
Showing posts from June, 2011


June 26, 2010 It’s been a month (well, just over) since I got back and I have spent the better part of it returning to reality.  The transition has removed the glamour of travel somewhat… although not completely.  I’m trying to hold to my resolution, and I think that I have.  You’ll need to ask my friends if they see any difference.. I do find my thoughts straying often back to Jordan, and to Petra.  I don’t know, and I don’t think I will for certain, if my fascination is due to the strangeness and difference, and if it will fade with distance… and whether I am romanticizing it beyond all reality.  I have a strong urge to return and see it again.  I dream of going back, and of walking through the streets of Medaba again.  Don’t ask me why Jordan, and why not somewhere else.  So, that’s my next trip.  I will either fall even further in love with it, or the rose coloured glasses will fade, and I will decide that I don’t need to return quite so...

There and back again...

OK, I admit it, I thought I could be a little lazy and just post my pictures on Facebook.  But apparently laziness is not something to be encouraged (YAY you guys) so there were some other options.  I have finally uploaded some of my 800 photos for you to see (really, there's no need to see the 300 or so of the desert... or the 30 of the rock formations at Petra, and definitely you don't need to see when my fecachta camera decided to prove the frailty of all mechanical devices and not take the pictures I wanted,but instead some photos of my shirt!!)  For those of you who've seen my FB photos, there's some that aren't there, although the majority are.  If you want to wade through to find the extra 25 or so, kudos.  There are still remarkably few pictures of food.  I was too busy eating in the Arab countries, and far too discouraged in Israel to follow the 15th commandment and document all of life.  (As a side note, Fr. Leo finally saw some of my FB albu...