As simple as possible
Albert Einstein, apart from his work in defining the theory of relativity, is also a source of some wonderful quotations. The title of this post is one of them: Everything must be made as simple as possible. But not simpler. And the topic of this post may be summed up as: Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe. I've written before about our needlessly complicated relationship with food, and the barrage of advertisements that assault us daily. I've tried to ignore both and focus on other issues, but I can't do it much longer. Everyone has seen the articles about "healthy eating" and been inundated with recipes that promise to give us "guilt-free" indulgences and which tout the magical properties of "superfoods." So here's the short, super simple guide to food: If you enjoy it, eat it. None of us are getting out alive, so to pretend that eating certain things will w...