Where do they all belong
I was listening to some Beatles music recently, and one of the songs was Eleanor Rigsby . I always found that song exceptionally sad, and this time wasn't any different. It got me thinking about all of the "invisible" people we encounter daily, and how many there are. I realized, in my visits to the hospital, that I encounter at least 15 people on any visit, but I wouldn't remember their names. There's the receptionist -- who changes each time; the nurses; the orderlies; the technicians... Add to those the volunteers, the security officers, etc, and it's easy to see how they add up. I started thinking about how many people I encounter daily, and then I wonder how many of them remember me? We all like to think that we're remarkable, special and that we leave a strong positive impression. To our families and loved ones, we are. But outside of that charmed circle, we're another face in the crowd, or a shadow that passes. We're invisible to o...