Somehow the rythm continued
This time of year is very difficult for me. It was this week in 2012 that my life changed irrevocably. Every year since then, I find myself reliving this week almost hourly. I think about the circumstances that led up to this week, and the subsequent activities. Some of them are easier to handle than others. Back in 2012, I had a minor operation in May which should have meant 2 - 3 days off work. Instead, I was off for over a week, and then had a persistent infection that had me on antibiotics for most of the summer. I was tired frequently, and my energy was low. Checks with my GP suggested that I would need additional tests, but I was diagnosed with malabsorption and put on a special diet to improve my iron, vitamin and other levels. In September, I had planned to visit my friends in Europe, but that was canceled because of a change in their circumstances. So I thought that I would surprise my parents with a visit home for their 45th ...