Like an open highway
I celebrated my 50th birthday this week. As everyone has pointed out, it’s a milestone; half a century. It’s an age that I wasn’t sure that I would actually reach, given last year’s particular challenges. I decided to have a gala event to celebrate, since my doctor had withheld permission for me to travel. The event was marvellous, with many of my close friends there to share with me. When I turned 40, I was horribly depressed. I didn’t want to be 40. It sounded like I was old, passé, ready to be turned out to pasture and beyond help. I felt like I had failed in many of my goals, and that I would never accomplish anything worthwhile. My friends did come out to celebrate, but I kept it very low-key, and issued a ban on any commemorative “you’re 40” material. I spent time comparing myself to my contemporaries and colleagues, and felt that I hadn’t accomplished anything. I was full of regrets and recriminations. Obvious...