Eat the dishes
Everyone who knows me knows how much I enjoy my food. It is, as I often joke, the key to maintaining my girlish figure (remarking that a circle is a figure). It’s no surprise, therefore, to learn that I list cooking as a hobby (and have, since my teen years) nor that my cooking classes are a pleasure even after a session of chemotherapy. (It’s true... I did three classes during my last round of treatment, and told the medical team that their job was to ensure that I could make it and keep the food down. They did, because they’re awesome and amazing 😉). So yes, cooking is a definite pleasure for me, and I’m quite happy to try new recipes and share them. However, I have to admit that I am not a fan of meal kits. You know what I mean; the kits that promise to make you a gourmet cook with recipe cards, portioned ingredients that are delivered to your home. I understand the appeal of home delivery, especially during this pandemic. I also understand the fu...