My sump pump is busted...

I had never heard of a "sump pump" until I moved to Ottawa... not something that formed part of my childhood education. Then I was told the classic excuse that headlines this section; and when someone told me that it wasn't possible, I said to myself "These Canadians are crazy" and continued with my life... but it had to go in here.
I can't come in today, my sump pump is busted and I have to get it fixed -- otherwise my highrise penthouse apartment will flood.

I meant to pay you back, but then I needed to get a new cellphone, and then I had to upgrade my computer, and well, now I need more time, you understand, right?

I didn't mean to run over your foot, but I had to back out of the parking space so the plough could clean my spot!

Oh, I just love Sweetarts™; I eat them like candy!

I'm sorry I missed yesterday's meeting, I had to have a root canal done.

I was on my way over to your house, when the car wouldn't start, and I had to call the tow truck, so now I'm sitting here waiting for them to get here, and I don't know how I'm going to get back to my place, what do you mean, get the shuttle back from the car dealer?

Well, I can't help with the office move because I don't agree with the filing system that we're using here.

I'll get back to you on that, right after I finish my book on women.

I went to the store to get the items that were on the list, but wouldn't you know it, as I was there, somehow all these pies, cakes, pastries, sweets and other things that you're trying really hard to avoid just JUMPED in and fought with me and they were suddenly in the car... I really tried hard... I love you! :)

I really didn't enjoy that fete at all. I was bored out of my mind, the music was stale, the crowd was poor, and it was just lame. So I only stayed for 4 hours.

I was trying to back out of my driveway, when I realised that there was an open manhole cover in the street, and a technician in the hole. So I couldn't move for 3 hours, since I had to find out what was going on. So sorry...

When I'm done updating this report, do I send it to the address on the top where it says "return to me at this email address"?


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