I'll have the diet plate: No extra charge for the fat.

There's been a lot of attention lately (well, in the last few years) about food and food safety.  Health in general.  In keeping with that trend, here are the comments that I've heard from the people around me on food and the things that they put into their bodies.  (There's a couple that already grace these posts, so I won't repeat them)

I've stopped eating processed foods. Now, all I eat are these packaged bran bars and instant oatmeal snack cakes.

I don't eat bleached flour, white rice, white sugar or any of those unhealthy things any more.  I'm very concerned about my health.  Thanks, I'll have the extra large mocha latte with whipped cream, 2 sugars and a chocolate donut.

I'll have the double bacon cheesebuger, large fries and a diet Pepsi.  Why?  There's too much sugar in the regular stuff, and I need to watch my weight, I'm going to the gym to try and lose a few pounds.

"You really should switch over to these new healthy foods you know!  It'll help you lose that spare tyre around your waist."  "Uh-huh.  Have you read the label on this stuff?  Let's compare, shall we?  Calories per serving, higher than the regular.  Fats -- saturated, TWICE the regular.  Serving size, HALF the size of the regular stuff.  Tell me again how this is the healthy stuff that will make me skinny?"

I would be a vegetarian, but I don't like vegetables.

I'm a moderately picky eater:  I only eat traditional meats: steak, pork and chicken.  I won't eat fish or seafood.  I don't eat salads.  I don't have any hot liquids -- no tea, coffee, hot chocolate or soups.  I will only have tomatoes in salsa and ketchup.  I don't like eggs, onions, peas, or carrots.  I don't like most vegetables, and I hate anything with a sauce on it.  But I love trying new restaurants!

I'm a very strict vegan.  Please don't let any meat of any kind touch my vegetables.  But for dinner tonight, how about we go to a steak house?


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