Let nothing you dismay

Whew!  What a year was 2014! 

First off, many, many wishes for a wonderful holiday season and a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2015.  May things get better and better as time goes on for you, your families and all your friends. 

I'm very happy, as you may guess, that I'm here to send emails at this time of year.  I've included what I'm calling the "official post-surgery picture" -- which was taken in early September, 2 months after my operation, and the day after the last of the surgical tubes and drains were removed.  My doctors (and my friends) all agree that I do not look like I've been through hell, and for that I'm thankful. 
There were several special things about this year.  In March, I celebrated 15 years with the Government of Canada, along with one of my friends.  We collected our service awards a month apart (hers was in February.)  I never expected to get a long service award ever in my career, but here we are, marking 15 years.  Another dear friend marked 10 years in the public service also, which made for lots of whooping it up.  I learnt not to try to be too clever, since in an effort to be 'smart,' I ordered something that I thought would be unavailable and then I'd get the cash... well, no.  I got a large clock.  LOL
I also had the delight of reconnecting with several of my cousins, aunts and uncles, who I had not seen for years -- in some cases, since I was a child.  The reason for the reunion was a sad one, as my uncle had died, but as a reminder that there is life even in death, we have begun communicating again, and it's lovely.  This year saw several other mini-reunions, as I saw friends from England (and was able to congratulate one who has received his PhD!) and others who have been out of touch for a while.  I've also met some old school friends, who are delightfully discreet about how long it's been since we last met!
July, as everyone knows, drew a line across my life.  Things are now referred to as "when I was a whole person" and "since half of me was removed" :)  I am, thankfully, recovering, but will need to be "paranoid about my health" for the rest of my life.  In the meantime, I'm learning to listen to my body and to take things easy.  There have been many scoffing noises when I said that, because for some reason, people don't believe that I can do that... I've been accused of being chronically unable to relax!  if you can imagine it. 
For 2015, I wish that you may never forget what is worth remembering, or remember what is best forgotten.  To you and your families, I wish you all good things, and may the most extravagant of your wishes be the least that you receive.
Merry Christmas, Happy 2015!


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