Take the adventure that's sent

In re-reading The Chronicles of Narnia this year, I noticed the phrase "take the adventure that's sent to us," several times.  It was usually at a point when a decision needed to be made, whether to go on and fight, or turn back and give up.  No surprise at the decision made!

This past year was one that took adventure in stride.  I started off with my usual trip home, but this time my dear friend Jovanka came with me for a week.  It was great fun to see my home through someone else's eyes, and to recognize the beauty that is Trinidad and Tobago.  We did manage to not see any of Carnival, and it's amazing how that has not affected life  ๐Ÿ˜‰ This was my first visit where my mother wasn't there.  Still surreal.

In April I went to Cuba to celebrate a friend's 50th birthday.  In passing, I am astounded that my friends are approaching or passing their half-century... time flies, doesn't it?  Cuba was gorgeous, with great food and people who made me feel right at home (usually after asking "Aren't you Cuban?"). Definitely something to repeat.

In June I was selected to be part of a delegation to the Farnborough International Air Show in the UK.  I was warned that it was a lot of thankless work, and very difficult... I did NOT comment that my job description is just that!  I had a wonderful time, worked with an outstanding team, and as a bonus, I reconnected with an old friend after far too long.

Lots of adventures, right?  I got home and had a glorious summer with my aunt and niece visiting.  I have, as a responsible godmother, introduced my niece to the joy that is Star Trek.  She agrees that I am on to a good thing๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‚. We also went for a flight in a small single-engine plane, and learned some new recipes!

In late August I headed back to Europe, this time to the former Yugoslavia.  I was attending an under-18 water polo championship, and traveling with Jovanka again.  I got to visit her family in their home, to see parts of Montenegro, Bosnia, Serbia and then a fast weekend with Therese and Andre in Belgium and then Austria.  At the end of that I could almost follow a conversation in Serbian, and my new party trick is to count to 100 in 5 languages!

Then in October I spent a weekend in Boston with my cousin Debbie and her family, visiting Wellesley College.  Beautiful city, fun, all too short trip.

This year definitely was one of travel.  There are other trips being considered for 2017, on the grounds that travel should be undertaken when one has health and energy.  As far as the family, we lost the little dog in early January.  We lasted 3 days.  Then Don drove 600 miles to get a new puppy, who we have named "Jerry" and who quickly took over the house.  Almost a year later, he still may be called "Stewie" sometimes, but he's his own tiny monster!  He's on my feet as I type, bristling with resentment that my lap has something in it that's not him!!  Don continues to be himself, and to think of new ways to keep me jumping ๐Ÿ˜€

I hope that you will find joy in all that you do, that you always have friends to cheer you and that you may never know want.  Happy 2017!


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