The modren man (we all need control)

I was thinking about the core myths we use daily.  In my case, they include the belief that I am the master of my fate: that I can control the outcome of my life choices.  To a degree, that’s true.  If I decide to eat a salad, there are consequences to that choice.  In my case, it would mean a day or so of “digestive distress”, a polite way of saying that I’ll be unfit for human company!

This served me well in many circumstances growing up. My determination (what some people called stubbornness) helped me through many difficulties and enabled me to achieve my goals. It has been such a central part of my psyche for so long that teenage me received a poster that commemorates it! Over the years, this pushed me out of my comfort zone to take on different roles, up to working on my communication style and changing some behaviours.

Now, my willpower is not enough to get me through this.  I rely on it for a lot of strength, and it helps me to set goals, to plan and to focus on a future.  But it doesn’t let me control this disease.  I can’t plan definitely, as there are days that my body betrays me and I have no energy.  I’d like to be able to say that I can plan and do what I want, but instead, I’m at the mercy of my body. This myth that we are in charge doesn’t serve me anymore.

How do I change this core belief?  How do I learn to relinquish control?  And what replaces it?


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