These wonderful things we remember

It’s almost the end of 2017, and soon the news will be recaps of the past 12 months.  It’s also the time when Christmas newsletters arrive either by post (more rarely now) or online.

This year has been another challenging one for me.  It’s not quite an annus horibilis, but it’s certainly not fun.

In December last year, my doctor confirmed that the “something” that showed on my scans was a recurrence and spread of my cancer into 2 locations.  This year therefore started with radiation treatments, which were not as hard on me as the last time, but which certainly sapped my strength.  I went home to Trinidad in March and did some recuperating, and returned to work until June, when my doctor advised that I would have to stop working and focus on my health.

I fought that ruling, arguing that there were some projects that were dear to me that I wanted to finish... and I lost that battle.  I started chemotherapy in June, and worked with therapists to help me cope with the massive loss that not being at work meant.  Never mind the effect of losing my hair has had on me 😢

It wasn’t all bad... because I wasn’t working, we were able to visit some friends in southern Ontario who we hadn’t seen in some years.  I had a wonderful (and too short) weekend with my cousins and sister in Virginia.  When my aunt and niece visited, I was able to spend more time with them, and we went whale watching and sightseeing in Quebec City, plus other activities.  I started taking some cooking classes, which are great fun.  In the fall, I headed off to Europe, where I visited dear friends in Brussels, Dublin and London.  I’ve managed to arrange time to see people who are important to me (when my health allows it) and perhaps most importantly, I celebrated my fifth anniversary post-diagnosis.  Oh, and I got 2 lovely wigs, which make up for being bald (and my hair is finally regrowing!)

As usual, I’m thankful for the sources of strength that surround me.  Don, who continues to be a rock and a source of encouragement; my family; my friends — both old and new and Jerry, who ensures that I both get to bed on time and get exercise regularly.

Looking back on this year, the pictures show lots of time with friends, many meals (in fact, one person commented “it’s obvious that you like to eat, Sonj!”) great adventures and new experiences.  Those are the things that I’m happy to remember.  All the laughter, celebration and new experiences.  I’ve grown closer to many people, which is wonderfully enriching, and I’m almost reconciled to my forced retirement.

This Christmas may you have…“Walls for the wind and a roof for the rain,Drinks beside  the fire,Laughter to cheer you,Those you love near you,And all that your heart may desire.”

A very happy and prosperous 2018 to you!


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