This is the world we live in...

Irony is a wonderful thing, isn’t it?  So many people are walking, breathing, unaware examples!

So, what brought this on?  Well, I was listening to people giving me their unwanted advice on my diet.  “You need to eat healthy!” (Because I obviously sit around sucking poison 24/7) and telling me to avoid meat, chocolate, alcohol, ice cream, rice, bread, potatoes, chicken, curry, fish... my interpretation is that they would prefer that I learn to eat by photosynthesis!  Anyway, these same “eat organic, gluten-free, peanut-free, exotic, all-natural, no fried food” pushers will then head off to a restaurant and inhale deep fried organic-free-range-gluten-free whatever.

Or let’s take the question of equity.  For those of us privileged enough to form part of the majority, we can turn our backs on others and say things like, “That’s just the way it is.  Some things will never change!”  If we are gain acceptance into a previously closed group, all too often we want to exclude others too.  For instance, I knew someone who had gained illegal entry into a country who would often say things like, “Oh, we need to keep those illegals out!  They’re ruining things for everyone!” (While living off social benefits provided by a generous state).

Or the person who complained that the police were ineffective at ticketing traffic offenders; then got a ticket for an illegal u-turn on a highway and complained that the police shouldn’t waste their time on minor things like traffic offences!

Then there are the ones who preach one thing and practice the opposite.  I’ve got far too many examples of this, so we’ll stick with the obvious ones of someone who promotes an environmentally sustainable lifestyle while using lots of single-use disposable containers.  Or the “family values” candidate who is a serial adulterer on their fourth marriage.  Or the anti-racial-supremacy avocate who is a racial purist.  Or, my own favourite, the “I don’t take any medicine” cultists who have personal pharmacies in their bathrooms.

Yes, it’s funny to observe and point these out.  It makes for great dinner conversation (for those of us who still enjoy talking to people directly).  There are times when people point out my inconsistencies (usually the kids, who take inordinate delight in laughing at me) and I have a flush of shame then a good laugh.  Does anyone have one that I missed?


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