I get a little bit nervous

Anyone else concerned about the way discussions are trending these days?  It seems like it’s impossible to have a difference of opinion without it descending into name calling, abuse and insults. My dear friend keeps sending me emails to warn me not to get into threads on social media, because people are just cruel and nasty (and not in a fun way.).  She has to do this because I get involved in trying to share an opinion (and frankly, sometimes to correct misinformation) and we’ve seen what happens to those with different viewpoints.

I’ve been horrified by the speed with which people are shamed on social media.  Sometimes the “offender” has made a simple mistake (like the person who typed “pubic relations” instead of “public relations,” on a government website.) It may be funny, but the way that commenters pounce, you’d swear that they had just copied Herod and ordered the death of all babies in the land.  (Incidentally, in the current climate, Herod would probably have a group of supporters who’d be attacking mothers for trying to protect their babies, others who would mock parents’ grief and those who would actively hunt down the babies for death!)

Full disclosure, I have a list myself of those with whom I disagree vehemently.  These include those who refuse to consider different viewpoints, those who deny reality, those who won’t learn, and those who attack others for their beliefs.  I do try to understand their thinking, and I generally uphold their rights to express their thoughts.  There are those, though, who I would censor given the opportunity: specifically the anti-vaccination crowd; the pseudoscience followers (flat earth society, really?) and those people who are intolerant of differences.  Where they are concerned, I have a tendency to tune them out (in one notable case, I threw a workman out of my house for one of his ill-advised comments about using homeopathy instead of chemotherapy)

Ironically, we’ve had a lot of discussion about ending bullying, while it becomes more prevalent online.  Somewhere we lost the human connection that encourages kindness, thoughtfulness, self-control and justice.  What’s even worse, is that the ones who shriek the loudest about “do as you would be done by,” and who claim to be victims are often the most cruel in their comments and thoughts.  It seems that there are divisions being created, and sub-divided, just to have people on the outside where they are subject to abuse and ridicule.  You’d think that if someone had been attacked they would be more inclined to be kind to others.  Unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be the case.  People who have been the target of online abuse, like those who have been physically abused, continue the cycle.

It’s childishly easy to fall into name calling of people who disagree with you.  Sometimes it’s satisfying to call someone a poopy-head (or worse) when they hold fast to an opposing viewpoint.  But does it really resolve anything?  Have you learned anything by name-calling?  Have they?  Have you realized that you’re a bully when you do that?  Bullies don’t discuss or debate.  They simply get louder and more abusive until they shut down their opponents.  Their arguments are all attacks, and frequently personal attacks, changing the subject to an evaluation of the individual, their looks, politics, beliefs or practices.

I’d like to suggest that we actually apply the Golden Rule in our interactions online.  Yes, I know... it’s naive and simplistic.  But really, who does it hurt if we opt not to make personal attacks on those who don’t agree with our politics?  Or to avoid hyperbole in promoting a viewpoint?  (Like not referring to lemons as “stronger than chemotherapy”). On that note, how about fact-checking before circulating an attack on an individual or group?  Consider, just for a second, how you would feel if you were being attacked the way that you’re about to do.  If you honestly believe that bullying is the way to go, then I recommend very strongly that you volunteer with groups that support the vulnerable and disenfranchised so that you experience another point of view.  If that doesn’t work, then maybe you need to be visited by the Spirits of the Past, Present and Future...


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