Dreaming is free

Growing up I read quite a lot of comics (I read a lot of anything I could get my hands on, really) and there were a number of superheroes (and super villains) who got their powers through radiation.  When I first did radiation treatment 5 years ago, I joked that I should be able to get a superpower.  Now that I’m doing my fourth round of radiation, I thought I’d share the kinds of superpowers that I would like (in no particular order) in the hopes that I acquire one!  You may have to do some research to understand some of the references, but it’s all part of the fun 😁

One of the easier powers I’d like is to be a human Babel fish so that I can read, write, understand and speak any language.  Not just the current 6,000 languages that are active on Earth, but every language that has ever existed and any language that will ever exist anywhere in the universe.  Just imagine how many stories and ideas can be shared, in their original languages.  Imagine meeting a random person and being able to understand each other in completely different languages!  And how about exchanging recipes, or discussing scientific discoveries... So exciting!

I’d also like to have the Time Lord’s regenerative ability so that when my body is too old, or too sick or just worn out, I can become a new person.  I could spend a lifetime as a man, or a woman, or both, or neither.  Imagine what that would do to change your perspective on life, or to better experience life as different people.

I’d like to have the powers of Q so that I could have power over time, space and reality, so that I could adjust.  Imagine having the power to end all wars, or to end all crime... I do have this daydream of being able to say that all criminals will immediately confess to all of their crimes, will make amends for them, and then they disappear.  So the people who, for instance, decide to rape someone will immediately experience being the victim of the crime, will make amends for their action, they instantly vanish.  No more crime!  I could travel in time to watch events unfold — imagine being there at the moment that life appeared on Earth, or at the moment in evolution when humans first appeared?  Or going to the time when we first encounter extraterrestrial life?  Or travel a million years into the future to see what life is like...

I’d like to have Dr. Manhattan’s powers to exist simultaneously at every point in the universe and to experience all aspects of time.  That would allow me to be able to transport myself to anywhere in the universe instantaneously and visit worlds — and take friends or relatives with me.  My imagination pictures worlds with magical caves or fountains of champagne or trees that have cookies for fruit.  How about meeting people from other worlds who have wings, or whose bodies are like crystal?  Then because I’m a human Babel fish, we can talk and exchange books and recipes and develop wonders!  Perhaps experience what conditions are like in the centre of the sun, or vacation in view of a nebula?

I’d like to be able to read other people’s minds so that I would always know the right thing to say to them.  If they’re upset, I’d like to have the ability to comfort them.  If they’re happy, I want to be able to celebrate with them.  If they’re uncertain, or afraid, or anxious, I’d like to be able to comfort and strengthen them.

Joanne reminded me of Wonder Woman’s powers of wisdom, strength, longevity and rapid healing.  If I were wise, I’d know when I’d done too much and learn to pay attention to my body.  With rapid healing, I’d be able to skip these treatments (and all the others) and perhaps I could help heal others.  With strength and longevity I could do more exploring of the universe with my other amazing superpowers!  Because learning all the things that there are in the universe would take a long time, every for a semi-godlike person.  Maybe I could be a constellation?

These are some of the superpowers that I would like to have after my treatment.  So far, though, I think that my request is back ordered at head office 😂 Or maybe I need to be clearer on my request...

So, does anyone have a superpower that I haven’t mentioned?  Or one that they would like?  (And did everyone recognize where my inspiration came from?)


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