Game time

I thought that I’d make a change today and set up a game... let’s see how many of these you can solve!

The following list is titles of blog posts (you can verify them on the main page) that are taken from various song lyrics.  The songs are a mixture of pop music (1940s-2010), songs from Sesame Street, hymns and calypsos.  All except one are English language (marked with an *)  in general, the phrase is not the title of the song...  Full marks for identifying the song and the artist.  Winner will get something in the mail from me  

I look forward to seeing your responses.  I’ll publish the complete list on February 7.  Play on!


Whole heap of zing

The essence of all

Dreaming of bigger things

The whole year through

O res mirabilis

Try to bridge the emptiness

Christmas changes too

You can read me anything

And a lots of work to be done

It wasn’t me...

Eat the dishes

Battle lines being drawn

A lifetime and the aftermath

Things you don’t understand

Between despair and ecstasy

She knows just what it takes...

Who am I to disagree?

One with no doubt

Dreaming is free

Walking in the shade of love*

Make my soul to glow and melt

Guard each one’s dignity

A lesson to learn...

Make that change

The people that you meet...

Words like knives

Good old days weren’t always

Something like a recipe

Never quite as it seems

Lucky to have been where I have been

Like an open highway

Used to be

Talkin with the grocery man

Fighting in our hearts

Food for peace

I get a little bit nervous

When I’m hungry, I eat.

Something I would never lose

The old time days...

This is the world we live in...

A magic island, full of magic people

The vision planted in my brain

The unbeatable foe

Live each living day

Know when to walk away

Much more than this...

Fall asleep counting my blessings

Somehow the rythm continued

For the first time...

Sick and tired of your ism schism games

The modren man (we all need control)

The wheel's still in spin

When you look behind you...

Where do they all belong

Turn and face the strange

I am woman

Girl, look at that body

Words all day


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