We see strength
Everyone knows that as a Trini I am a Carnival fake. Although I’m usually at home during the celebration, it’s because of my mother’s and niece’s birthdays and nothing to do with the waves of creative madness that flood and uplift the country. This is a complete contrast to my siblings (blood and spirit) without whom Carnival couldn’t start. In fact, it’s a standing joke that I’m sometimes on a flight out of the country as the celebrations start. I enjoy the quiet sidebars... being able to listen to the music, feeling the energy, seeing the delight as everyone prepares. I’m not a fan of the crowds, the drunkenness, the mess and the massive disorder. Why am I bringing this up now, in the middle of the night? The music is great. In my mind, music is a language of God that underlies everything and it links humanity. Yesterday, I had a chat with two of my nurses as they helped me get in and out of the bed and we started to talk about differen...