You come and go

 Extraverts have to find a way to communicate. It’s difficult to go long periods staring into the walls and the ceilings so you might get more frequent updates if I feel the energy.  Definitely testing dictation and spellcheck so buckle up for an interesting ride

I had actually forgotten that I gave an earlier update on my situation so there are two posts that talk about when I got to the hospital and what they found and what happened sorry about that; it’s the drugs!

Today, thankfully they’re taking me off the last of the very heavy duty narcotics.  I still have a few others but they’re not as scary as these!  I had two or three nights of hallucinations and night terrors and absolutely scary things but that should improve  I hope.  I’m gradually getting to be able to move a little bit and breathe with less pain.

My early morning doctor visits are good.  They check on me and say that I am progressing. Of course there’s my views that I think I’m progressing far more slowly than I should, but they’re happy with what’s going on so far.  

Lying in a windowless room with curtains and just the ceiling has been a little hard on my mental health.  I am extroverted as everybody (except one career psychologist some years ago) knows, and seeing nobody and nothing for hours on end is a punishment that is absolutely dreadful. I’m thankful for technology which provides video connection to see others, and the library which has 5 THOUSAND magazines available for download, various book apps, a few games and so on. My days aren’t packed full, but I’m not in an oubliette!!

I’m sorry, but I feel it’s necessary to say this next bit. I do understand that people have different senses of humour and different approaches to life. However, given my current situation I object STRENUOUSLY to the “humour” that attacks doctors, nurses, medical personnel, technicians, pharmacists etc. If not for them and their rapid, sensitive, compassionate and competent care, you’d be writing posts saying “in memory of…” instead of “hope you get better soon!” and “what can we do to cheer you up?”  I don’t count the food, because we’re not yet in heaven and into each life some rain must fall so I need goals for the next week as we progress!  😆 Thanks for understanding. 

I’m about to start my morning poking, prodding and tests. Please enjoy your day and I’ll update when I can. As always, your emails, texts, messages, WhatsApp, etc brighten my day.  Lots of love to you and please keep the love flowing!


  1. Continue to regain your health and strength daily....we continue to pray for your recovery.

  2. Thank you kindly for the update. Rest yourself. Lobsters are waiting for you!! 😍♥️

  3. I have watched u close up and from a far ,you are wise and a delight.

  4. xoxoxoxox Happy pokey Friday girlfriend. Keep on R&Ring and HEALING. xo

  5. Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we've lived. After all Number One, we're only mortal.

    Jean-Luc Picard


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