Buy nothing new… end of the month
So this was the last week of my “buy nothing new” programme. Overall, I’ve learnt that I really do NOT need to go buy new stuff on a regular basis, and I can manage just fine, spank you, with a list and by planning out menus and doing all the things that my grandmother and aunt and mother had said all those years ago. More than that, doing my shopping this way and taking the time to prepare my meals has led to me eating better and having more tasty and generally more balanced meals than I would if I ate in restaurants all the time. OK, so I’ll stop preaching now. It’s easy to get busy and lose time to cook. Or to have other things to do… it happens all the time. But did I really NEED 4 different types of skin moisturizer? Or 3 different 12” skillets? (well, yes to both, and there are some excellent explanations, but I digress.) Next phase is to go through my cupboards and do some very thorough organizing, and work on making some spac...