Buy nothing new–week 8

Happy Easter!  It’s almost the end of my pre-determined period of restraint, and I’m determining my priorities from here on out.  THE TRIP is 2 weeks away, so there’s some spare spending money Smile; all of my credit cards are paid off, and I’ve learnt some new recipes.  There were some real benefits to this!  I think the next phase will be to clear out the stuff in the freezer in preparation for the summer’s influx of fresh stuff.  Oh, the fresh stuff that’s not trucked in from half a world away!  Yippee!!  I must admit, though, that this week was not a gourmet delight… I had lunch out twice (allowed!) and the rest of the week was “student fine dining” or the amazing “must-goes” LOL

This week’s menu:

  • KD with corn salsa
  • Roast chicken, mashed potatoes and corn
  • Spinach rice, grilled mushrooms, orange-glazed carrots and grilled salmon (Good Friday fish dinner)


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