Some more books worth reading…

Ok, so I had to pause for a while.  There’s just too many of them.  I ran across some lists of “100 classic books to read” and “The 100 best fantasy books” and so on, and realised that there’s just so many that I can’t keep up (and FYI, on the alleged BBC 100 best books of all time, I’m a nerd.)  Continuing:

Watership Down – Richard Adams.

Really classic.  I found it hard to get past the first couple of chapters, but it was worth it… it then got hard to put down!  A tale of a group of rabbits and how they escaped to make a home, and all their battles.

Animal Farm – George Orwell.

If you haven’t heard of this one, then I think you probably slept through a large chunk of literature classes.

1984 – George Orwell.

Ancient history by now, but it’s still an interesting read.  Along with Brave New World (Aldous Huxley) it’s one of the views of the future that seemed so plausible, yet didn’t quite work out that way.  Thankfully.

The Wind in the Willows – Kenneth Graeme

There’s nothing so nice as messing around in boats, or near boats or by boats… Mole, Ratty and the immortal Toad.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.  Through the Looking Glass.  -- Lewis Carroll

I actually prefer Through the Looking Glass (and what Alice found there) partly because of the really fun poetry and the neat puzzles.  In any event, these gems of classic literature are well worth reading.  As are “The Hunting of the Snark” and some of his other works (if you can lay hands on them)

Inheritance trilogy – Christopher Paolini

Another fantasy series – Eragon, Eldest and Brisingr are the first 3 books.  Dragonrider, battles, elves… all the elements of a good fantasy story!

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy – Douglas Adams

“Don’t panic!” With all the many things swirling around in the average day, these 2 words should be an inspiration.  That, and the essential question “Where shall we have lunch?”  A trilogy in 4 parts, with humour that was never intended to be taken any way but lightly.  Also worth reading, by the same author, Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency and The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul.

I’ll pause there for now… more to come.


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