May 25, 2011 The journey’s over now, and I’m on the BA flight back to Port of Spain. I’ve got a certificate that names me a Jerusalem Pilgrim, “one who has, in accordance with the Biblical prophecy, gone up to Jerusalem to receive the blessing.” Perhaps it’s that, but for the first time ever I went through airport security (in Tel Aviv, world’s notoriously most secure airport) and did NOT beep or have to undergo secondary search. Normally I get the pat down and “Could you please step over here, ma’am? Would you mind removing your shirt?” etc, but not here. X-ray of the bags, couple of questions on my Jordanian ceramics, and off I went. I had time for several deep thoughts on the flight back, and before that. Plus, I had some long conversations with both Frs. Donovan and Brennan. Fr. Leo has been a dear friend for a really long time; over 25 years. More than ever, in the past 2 weeks, it has struck home that he is a very good man. He i...