Wandering the desert–leaving the islands

May 11, 2011

It’s departure day, and I’m now sitting at the airport waiting for the flight.  You’d think that excitement would be high, but somehow… not exactly.  I flew in from Canada on Monday morning (and I have to say that business is the ONLY way to travel! May I, in my next job, be able to fly business at all times, even for personal travel, and that on at least a semi-annual basis!)  I digress.  I’ve spent 2 days at home, including being able to have a delightful birthday breakfast with my dear friend.  (Not my birthday, that’s next month)

And now at the airport.  Check in was the usual hassle, and the flight will, apparently, be full.  Fr.  Leo has lost more weight, and seems to have aged lots since February.  Our group comprises Mummy (Lydia); Auntie Ming; Doris; Doreen and me, plus about 40 other people. 


Thurs am.  Have landed in London Gatwick, and are en route to Heathrow bound for the Cairo flight.  My initial impression of the organizer has not improved much.. I am not fond of amateurs, and he is reinforcing that belief.  He’s so far managed to overpromise on the itinerary, and it;s day 1.  Let’s see how it goes.  The flight – I like how British Airways serves alcohol liberally with meals, even in cattle class.  I dislike the crowding on longer flights.  I was seated next to a large woman who seemed to be all elbows and was afflicted with the fidgets… not conducive to rest!  Oh, well! 

I’m in England, which is as always, beautiful and surprisingly sunny.  Fields and   little thickets, lots of green, which isn’t yet out in Canada (but is abundant in Trinidad) and here – there’s flowers in every ditch and hedgerow.  Beautiful!



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