
May 20, 2011

I decided to allow myself a day of being sick on Thursday, and skipped the tour.  I stayed in the hotel and spent most of the day sleeping.  One of my better decisions, as I no longer feel like an overused dish rag.  Even Tiberias doesn’t look quite so seedy, and I enjoyed going for a short walk after dinner and walking through the little stalls to see the “Made in China / India” authentic Israeli souvenirs.  Just like everywhere else LOL

So this morning we’re headed up to Jerusalem.  It’s “up” because (according to our now-Jewish evangelical) Jerusalem sits at the highest point in all of Israel, and it’s a blessing to go there for the Jews.  Our first stop is the Jordan river, where there are some adult baptisms being performed in yet another kibbutz-run shopping mall (everything is for the community! Low prices – which is why olive oil costs twice as much here as in the supermarket!)  Some notable names adorn this wall, presidents, heads of state – several American pastors. 

We leave there for Mt. Carmel, where the prophet Elijah battled the priests of Ba’al to prove who worshipped the real God.  Standing there, you overlook the plain of Armageddon, where the “Last Battle” will take place.  (Pictures available)  Eerily, flocks of birds took to the air and circled overhead before flying off toward Jerusalem. (cue disaster music)

The highlight, for me, was Caesarea, a magnificent ruin on the Mediterranean coast.  It contained the remains of Herod Antipas’ palace, with the mosaic floors only recently uncovered (pictures available.)  There’s a hippodrome, a still-standing theatre (which was being prepared for a very modern show) and several pillars.

After that, a very prosaic drive through Tel Aviv to look at a door (don’t ask) and finally into Jerusalem.  Fr. Brennan did do what he had long promised, and he sang “The Holy City” as we drove in (sadly, no gates) through the tunnel.  His voice has not lost its power, even in a moving bus and with the questionable accompaniment of some of the songsters in the group!  I admit, I cried.  There was a tear.  I think I can upload a clip for you to hear it…




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