The most amazing

We’ve all seen them.  The lurking articles that are headed “You won’t believe…” or “This is the most astounding…” and so on.  Click-bait.  The teaser lines that are supposed to grab your attention so that you click to read the article or view the clip.  Then you see that the story links to something else that “You must see…” or that “Doctors hate…”, etc.

This made me think a bit about human nature.    I’ve seen several that claimed, for instance, that they contained information that “the establishment” wanted to bury. There’s a flood of stories about celebrities in unflattering photos.  There are articles that promise instant weight loss, cures for every disease in existence, miraculous transformations, promises to make you immediately rich, and invitations to “catch the perfect partner.”  We know that they are time thieves at best, and at worst, they may be viruses or other spyware.  They promise new, life-changing information.  Or the humiliation of someone for amusement.  Or a story intended to create an emotion.  Sometimes we share them around.  Sometimes not.  But each one makes us stop and watch for a few minutes.  And each click earns money for the advertiser.  Well, it is not wrong to try to make money, even if it’s by selling snake oil. 

But what does it tell us about ourselves, that these ads and stories proliferate?  Why do we crave stories that show humiliation disguised as entertainment?  Why are we so afraid of our bodies that we seek to become younger, thinner, more muscular, ‘sexier’ through the use of pills and potions?  Why don’t we seek out the stories that uplift, affirm and encourage?  Not the ‘underdog triumphs’ type, either.  Just the daily affirmations that let us know that what we’ve done is good. 

Reading the blogs from the Blog-A-Day challenge, I found a lot of that kind.  The stories were not the “ancient crone looks like teenager with this amazing secret” type; they were, instead, beautiful, relatable, real stories about ordinary people having outstanding impacts on their circles.  I am honoured to have had the chance to read them, and to share with them.

What’s the most inspiring story that you’ve encountered on the web?


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