The most difficult thing


I saw a challenge recently to “go for a day without complaining.”  I looked at it and thought “Hah!  That’s not a challenge!  Who complains that much that a day seems like a challenge?”  Then I started making notes of complaints.  Well, howdy – there’s a whole litany of complaints throughout the day!  It’s actually, and sadly, easier to go a day without saying “Thanks” than it is to not complain!

We start the day with a grumble about the weather… “Oh, it’s too cold.”  (which I will admit has been going on here for the past 7 months.)  “Oh, it’s raining.”  “It’s so hot!”

  • Then there’s the “I don’t know what to wear” group… images (27)
  • “Will you hurry up?  We’re going to be late!”
  • “All the lights are red!  And this traffic!”
  • “Who was supposed to do this?”
  • “What is taking so long?”
  • “Why can’t they get my order right?”
  • “Oh that line is so slow!”
  • “This day is dragging!” (or “I haven’t had time to even go to the washroom, I’m so busy!”)
  • “I’m doing the job of 4 people!”
  • “What is that idiot doing?”

… and on and on.

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To get through a day without uttering even one complaint becomes more challenging on the day when there’s a series of minor irritations that crop up.  It’s so easy to unload your frustrations on the people around you, and call it “venting.”

I have a suggestion.  (I got this from a lovely, wise friend.)  When you feel the need to vent about something, stop and take a breath.  Instead of venting a gripe, say a small thank you that this is the only bad thing that’s happened.  Select an action of gratitude instead of one of frustration.

Line too long at the coffee shop?  Be thankful that it’s doing well, so that there is a coffee shop near you.

Red lights all the way to work?  You have a few extra minutes to compose yourself and listen to your favourite music in the car.

So busy that you can barely squeeze 5 minutes for a bathroom break?  Be thankful that you have a job.  Then learn to prioritize so you DO take regular breaks.  (It’s completely attainable. Just get over yourself.)

Bored that things are slow at the office?  Reading, filing and reprioritization time!

Not enough private time with your honey?  Best I can offer is spend some time planning the next date night.  (That’s a tough one, so suggestions welcome!)

All that to say – want a real challenge?  Try going an entire day being grateful for everything that happens to you.  Recognise the positive in your interactions, and openly acknowledge it.  Leave me a comment to let me know how that works!

Thanks for reading!


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