
I didn’t update because there’s not much that one can say except “unhappy tummy” I did call the radiation oncologist to report, and they’re adjusting my medication to include something that should help things settle. I’m annoyed now, because I am finally hungry but eating is uncomfortable and leads to nausea. I’m trying to figure out what to eat, and not getting particularly good results. I’m even drinking the dreadful nutritional supplements just to get nutrients into me. Jerry, tiny monster, has been settled on my lap most of the time, making attempts to steal the toast or my drink, and barking at the various phone calls that I made today to talk to the medical team. He’s got this new thing, where if I say, “I’m going to hug Don,” he races from wherever he is to jump on Don and push me away. It’s hilarious and annoying in equal amounts… we’ve tested out his reaction, and when I say “hug” he runs over to Don and prepares to repel me! I’ve...