
Hello Monday.  I am not susceptible to the Monday blues, and honestly, most days I need to check my phone to know when in the week it is.  Jerry, though, seems to have a routine… on Mondays, I’m usually visited by my nurse, and he seems to know that someone is likely to invade his space, so he gets up early and patrols actively.  Today he seemed extra vigilant… and then I got a text message from one of my neighbours apologizing for setting off my fur-alarm because he was getting his exercise by walking the stairs… Today we had a situation… this afternoon, we were in the living room, and I suddenly felt like I was boiling; it was so hot that I opened the door and stood on the balcony for a minute (it was -6C outside)  I said to Don that I was melting; he said that he was freezing, and had to turn on a space heater plus the heating inside.  The problem was that the heater was pointed straight at me, not him, and he also had a fan blowing on him so I was slowly cooking!  We’ll need to set up independently controlled temperature zones, it seems.  I threatened to leave the door open just to regulate the heat, unless he adjusts his area so he’s hot and I’m comfortable!  Guess which one of us is a delicately nurtured tropical flower, and which one is a hardy tundra plant?

I’ve got a small grumble.  I got a call this morning shortly after 8am, which was from a telemarketer.  I hung up before he got his entire speech out.  I’ve realized that it’s absolutely useless (and unkind) to yell at the person on the phone, since they’re just doing a job — which helps (I hope) look after themselves and their family, and keeps them from a life of crime — and they’re not the cause of the problem.  What I’d like, though, is that the people behind those operations would be stopped.  Those are the ones who are causing my rest and meals to be interrupted, and in the worst cases, scamming vulnerable populations.  I’ve seen several news stories where these operations were infiltrated and exposed as deliberately targeting seniors and trying to scam people.  They are surprisingly mobile and can quickly shut down and restart after being exposed.  They also apparently have links into the police service — bribery and corruption — to continue their operations.  The leaders make huge sums of money, and fund corruption.  I’m like a lot of people, and I generally don’t answer calls from unknown numbers any more.  I send them to voicemail.  I’m also suspicious of unknown text and email messages.  Isn’t it sad that humans do this to each other?  Not just scamming, but abuse and harm and all those horrible things.  In my overly optimistic view of humanity, we wouldn’t do things to deliberately cause harm to others, but I recognize that it’s unrealistic.  

I do, though, think that there are some policies and practices that create situations where harm is spread.  Since we live in a society where money is needed to survive, those with more have more comfortable lives than those who don’t.  As much as we try to convey a sense of morality, there are so many inconsistencies and unfair circumstances, that people can legitimately use “what about” situations — “if X can do that, why can’t I?” Or “Why can’t I have what they have?”   Let’s not even get into the exploitation that’s fairly common… or the perception of public servants as leeches on society.  All a very complicated morass that’s impossible to clean; unfortunately, there’s not a simple answer, despite the preaching of populist individuals.  I’d love it if I could say, “just do this” and fix everything, but really, the only solution requires a lot of hard work from a large number of people which isn’t likely.  It would mean ensuring a living wage globally; having access to clean water, sanitation, health care, adequate food, housing, education… It would mean equity of access and treatment of people… creating a “heaven on earth” (as crooned in the song “Imagine”)  My liberal heart wants to see  the elimination of poverty, war, oppression, slavery (I was horrified to learn that this is still extant today!  It’s got a different name, but it’s the same thing.  And no, it’s not “working for a wage.” Or “working for the man.”)  

Alright people, I’m going to stop preaching.  Just someone communicate to the “duct cleaning” and “Microsoft security” and “You’re about to be arrested for tax fraud” people to not call me when I’m trying to rest or eat, and to stop spoofing phone numbers, and I won’t go on about the inequities inherent in society and the need to fix them!  Instead, I’ll start on the subject of how women have been historically ill treated, or the horrors of racism, anti-semitism and hatred, or the distressing habit that’s so popular of dismissing learning and study and insulting academics… kidding!  I’ll focus on really important things like the joy of reading, the pleasures of eating and drinking, and the value of celebrating Wednesday (I was born on a Wednesday.) 😁  I’ve got an appointment at an unreal hour in the morning, so it’s off to an early bed tonight.  Query — how do people manage on fewer than 7 solid hours of sleep?  I know people who go to bed around 1am and are awake and functioning at 6… that’s just alien!  You must be lizard people or something.  I’m unable to function like that.  Anyway, I’m off.  Good night!


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