
It snowed for almost 24 hours and we woke up to this on the balcony.  It’s deep enough that Jerry was buried up to his tummy (I was laughing too hard to take photos) and he had lots of fun racing from one end to another after he’d managed to tamp it down.  He was jumping and chasing snowflakes but he was getting cold quickly.  It’s been hovering below -10 so he is challenged to want to be out and play and inside and warm.  He still won’t wear his boots or coat, so his outdoor winter time is limited.  Don is fine, he was up late last night (sports) so he was sleeping later this morning.  I took some time today to do laundry. It’s frustrating to me how exhausting it is to do that.  I’ve needed to sit and recover several times as I did it.  I do have someone who normally helps out with that, but she’s been unavailable for a bit, and I was getting to the point of not having any clean clothes, so a little extra effort today.  I may need some extra rest tomorrow, but that’s ok.  It’s done, and I don’t have to worry about it for a while.

I’m trying to plan trips this year. I’d like, very much, to head to Trinidad for a while and extend the reunions that I started last November.  The challenge, seriously, is that the Covid-19 numbers are again climbing there, vaccinations are not keeping pace, and they’re planning a “normal” Carnival.  There are days, I tell you, when we people does need a good planass.  I agree that at this point it’s more about learning to live with the virus, as opposed to full-scale shutdowns, but a little caution is definitely a good thing!  I’d originally thought of travelling after Carnival, but I think it would be prudent to hold off for several weeks to let the wave roll through.  I would really prefer not to take needless risks, as much as I want to be home, I really don’t want to get sick after having avoided it for the past few years.

Off to fold laundry now… that will require a lot of energy (4 loads!) and put stuff away.  Jerry is also pushing for cuddles, so in either case, I’ve got to stop typing and do something else.  Cheers!


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