
I didn’t update because there’s not much that one can say except “unhappy tummy” I did call the radiation oncologist to report, and they’re adjusting my medication to include something that should help things settle.  I’m annoyed now, because I am finally hungry but eating is uncomfortable and leads to nausea.  I’m trying to figure out what to eat, and not getting particularly good results.  I’m even drinking the dreadful nutritional supplements just to get nutrients into me.  Jerry, tiny monster, has been settled on my lap most of the time, making attempts to steal the toast or my drink, and barking at the various phone calls that I made today to talk to the medical team.  He’s got this new thing, where if I say, “I’m going to hug Don,” he races from wherever he is to jump on Don and push me away.  It’s hilarious and annoying in equal amounts… we’ve tested out his reaction, and when I say “hug” he runs over to Don and prepares to repel me!

I’ve been having an issue with my iPad for a while now, where every so often apps will just shut down, no error messages or anything.  I’d reported it a while back to the “Genius Bar” and they (naturally) couldn’t find anything.  As is normal with sporadic, erratic issues.  Anyway, after running several diagnostics, the solution is “format and reinstall” — which was the standing joke about Windows errors back in the 90s!  To be honest. Apple says “do a factory reset”, but it’s a format and reinstall.  I was hesitant to do that because after having my device for a while it’s beautifully configured to my taste and use, where everything is arranged how and where I can make use of it most effectively.  (I’m happy with the recent update that allows a quick search of the many thousands of apps on my device, but the main ones are easy to access.)  Well, my AppleCare was coming to an end, so I thought that rather than pay for a diagnostic, I’ll try again to see if they can fix the issue.  My dear friend took it in for me, as he had errands in that area, and saved me having to go out in the -20C weather today… Everyone please thank P!  Besides, he’d argued that I’m too gentle and he’s more assertive so he’d get things sorted faster.  (HAH!)  Skipping over minor details, the “Genius” formatted my iPad, couldn’t find the error, and now I’ll have to spend the next month or so trying to reconfigure it.  While there’s an option to restore from a backup, it’s been disabled so that I can gradually add apps back and check whether I can identify which one causes the problem.  In theory, that’s great, in reality, it’s what we used to do in the early Windows 3.0 days!  I’m of the view that the Bar needs to change its name from “Genius” to “Inept” because they really don’t offer much in terms of actual technical support.  The last time I was there, one employee was trying to help an elderly woman create an email account; another was linking a watch to a phone — which is a setting that activates easily.  

OK, it’s true that back in the day when I was into more hardcore tech stuff, I had to know bits of programming, wiring, networking, software design and all sorts of esoteric details to keep our computers running.  Now I’ve become a lazy user, who expects to pick up my phone or tablet, switch it on, and leap into use instantly.  My tablet is such an extension of me that letting it out of my hands and control for the 4 hours it was gone today required a major leap of trust; all of my details are included on it, because I no longer remember passwords — or usernames — for any of the many, many accounts that I have!  In resetting my email accounts, I had difficulty signing into the account, because my device always took care of that!  I try hard not to keep paper copies of info like my passwords, and I’m a bit more paranoid after I read an article today about people who steal identities and who have either sold or taken out a mortgage on someone else’s house!  There’s so much wrong with that whole scenario, it’s hard to know where to start!

I’m getting very sleepy — and there’s no hypnotist in the area.  So I’ll take my unhappy tummy off to bed and catch up on some zzzs   Good night!



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