Collige Virgo Rosas

Jerry control
You’re getting a small view into my role in the home in terms of my permission levels from my tiny furry dictator.  I’m taking the opportunity to show him off while I demonstrate just my life is managed!  Last night, Jerry objected to me writing my blog, and was batting me to stop writing and pay attention to him.  I was trying to finish writing, but there was a small dog who has other plans.  He’s still not supportive of the idea, but he’ll at least give me a chance…
I’m still so happy.  I woke up in my bed, with my dog on my lap, from a deep sleep that lasted for several hours without the need for drugs.  My need to sleep is still really strong, and I’m inclined to fall asleep with minimal effort.  I’m struggling with the pressure to stay awake; it’s way easier to drift off and catch up on all the sleep that I’ve missed.  We pretty much agreed that I was sleep deprived while I was in hospital, so at the moment my body is catching up with the messaging that is coursing through me for Morpheus to be in control.
So my birthday was lovely; as I said, I woke up to find my dog curled up on my lap.  At first, I had no idea where I was or what I was doing, but it didn’t take very long for me to remember that I was at home, and I spent the very rainy day being happy that I was home.  So great!
The lobsters are happily in the fridge;  I didn’t eat them yet because they were frozen and I was too tired.  But they, and a bottle of Dom Perignon are both in the fridge waiting for my energy to be restored tomorrow.  I had a pile of packages to open — mainly orders that I had received over the past week or so, but there were also some that I had ordered while in hospital and a couple of gifts from friends.  I also had visits from a couple of friends who dropped by with food (some delicious homemade crepes), a birthday present and a large bag of snacks 🤪. I’m going to enjoy the snacks over a few days.  I had a marvellous video chat with my family for about an hour this evening, just talking about nothing in particular.  I loved it. I felt like it was almost a normal pre-pandemic event, where everyone was usual.
Jerry has assumed his position for the duration 🤣🤣🤣. He’s decided that I can’t be allowed the chance to escape again, so is set up to guard me properly.  He was so good yesterday when we got out of the car, and didn’t pull on me at all.  It was interesting to see how differently was with Don and myself.  With Don, Jerry was pulling, wanted to test his strength and pulling a bit; with me, he was gentle.  I’d love to think that he understands that I am not fully up to strength and can’t play as usual, but who knows what he’s thinking?  
I believe that he is giving me a chance to recover my equanimity and that he understands that I’m not feeling well yet. 
I’m really delighted that he’s returning to being in control again!  Tiny, furry dictators are best doing what they are supposed to be doing, not tiptoeing around. His plans for world domination must be progressing nicely, since he’s currently curled op on my leg sleeping, and not pawing au me to allow him to rearrange my legs. 
Good night all; I’m off to sleep while I can still be in charge of any of my plans.  


  1. Nice to see you haven't forgotten who is the boss 😘

  2. This pic have me weak ,happy you are home you sleep and get back tons of energy amen

  3. Yay! Happy belated bday. I spent a lot of the day stuck in traffic driving down to see my parents. Finally made it here at 7pm. Yay!!! So glad you are home w the baby and man. Xo

  4. Dogs are very smart. Jerry knows that you are recuperating. �� Rest yourself so we can go for Lobster or dim sum

  5. Dogs are very smart. Jerry knows that you are recuperating. 🙂 Rest yourself so we can go for Lobster or dim sum


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