Deo volente

Today’s entry will be short.  I’ve slept most of the day again, and it’s been VERY challenging to stay awake. I think at least some of that is due to the heat — it was close to 40C today! Then add in Ottawa’s famous humidity, and it was difficult for me to breathe too. I understand how hard it was for Don those days at the hospital.  It’s hotter here than in Trinidad, which I always find so strange.

I did most of my routine; today: I took a walk downstairs to the car, picked up the newspaper from the lobby, took a shower, that sort of thing, then I felt asleep in my chair.  This annoyed Don a lot, because he says that it will hurt my neck, and then my back, so I have tried not to do it.  Today, though… I’m blaming the heat!  I just woke up after a delightful nap! and it’s late, so I need to take my meds and my supper and generally wake up before I sleep for the night. I’m still sleepy enough that I’ll probably sleep the night through again.  I see a conversation with my medical team about my dosages and my level of alertness! I mean, I was irritated and cranky with Don because things weren’t done exactly how I wanted (plus he was doing his usual silliness and I was irritated so I yelled.)  This means I have to apologize and I hate acting like a spoiled brat, which I totally did 😔😣

Guard puppy
Meanwhile, here’s Jerry, on guard in bed, keeping me from moving away.  Isn’t he a wonderful puppy?  Yes, I’m soppy.  He tucked himself in!  And he’ll rearrange himself for optimal snuggle time, or slap my face if he thinks it’s wake up time. 

All else being equal, I’ll be back to normal tomorrow, with thoughts on life, the universe and everything 😆, with apologies to Douglas Adams.

Good night!


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