Ut ameris, amabilis esto

 Oh my what a day. Today was day one of physio, and I have never been so tired in all of my life. It’s been just one thing after another and I feel rather like I’ve been running a marathon all day! Add onto that today was also a day of tummy upset so it’s a combination of everything I think that my body has just said, “That’s enough!  That’s it screw, it I’m not doing anymore you must be a crazy woman!” 

So this is the first one I’m going to be dictating completely from the beginning; please excuse any grammar errors I’ll try to correct them on a quick pass through but no guarantees of that. Your forgiveness is much appreciated.

I’m positive note I did two sessions of Physio and one session of OT. First period of Physio was doing some bed exercises and some chair exercises to help strengthen my arms and legs and then the second session was some walking back-and-forth and some more exercises for leg strengthening. Sounds pretty impressive to say, “I’m going to the gym”  After my second trip, though, I was just wiped out. I passed out completely for the afternoon, and was out like a light for most of the time.  My nurse said that she was worried about me since I was not behaving like myself at all.  According to her, I looked washed out and unlike myself .  She tried waking me later in this afternoon and said that I was largely unlike myself. My blood sugar registered under 3, which is very low, which added to her worries.  I’ve been fading in and out of being awake all afternoon and night, with bouts of diarrhea, making my time more difficult.  This will be pretty short, because I’m not fully coherent and even dictating isn’t comfortable.  

I had a chance no to chat with a few friends today, and it was delightfulog.  You guys do a great job keeping me focused and positive.  It’s the highlight of my day to get messages from everyone.  Thanks so much!  And the pictures too!  I watched a thunderstorm roll through this afternoon, but my attempts to get photos failed and I just got grey skies!  Oh, I was used as a guinea pig 😆  there were several nurses who took advantage of the opportunity to learn how how to set up and use a CADD pump, which I’m using for my pain management. While it’s apparently fairly common on in palliative and cancer care patients, it’s rare in others, so having a captive audience who needed a change, in rehab was too good to pass up!  It was good to see the enthusiasm from experienced nurses, to take a chance to learn something new.  I remembered how much fun it was being used by my #EFIR as a guinea pig to demonstrate body shape, and teaching some newer people how to help clients feel more beautiful and confident in different styles in store for #laurastyle.  I had a happy flashback to those days, and to meeting my #miniEFIR who is a major delight!  Everyone needs a few #EFIR, it’s absolutely necessary for your health and mental state!!  I’ve got a few - one in women’s retail, one in skin care, one in facial and skin care, a couple in hair care, and so on.  They have multiple benefits, not the least of which is that they are amazing people whose existence enriches your life!  Friends really are a source of joy, no matter where or how you meet.

Good night all.  Let’s look forward in a brighter tomorrow shall we?


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