
Sunrise over Chaguaramas, Trinidad.  Mild homesickness again… I’m slowly accepting — although I’m fighting against it — that when I have extra activities, like yesterday’s trip to the vet, starting early and so on, means that the next day I’m sluggish.  How much I hate that is hard to convey in mere words!  I did a few things around the house today, slowly, and I know there’s more to do which will take a while.  Jerry was a bit sluggish last night, but this morning seemed to be a collection of firecrackers and springs!  He started playing as soon as I stirred awake from sleep, wanted to play hide and seek, had a “zoomies” attack and then dragged his food bowl around to take a bite every few minutes.  He’s slightly worn out and dozing next to Don (quick, guess what sports are on!) and they’re both quite comfortable.  The weather is slowly warming up — I’m trying not to refer to rain as “bad” weather, as it’s both necessary and refreshing.  Please correct me when I stray from that.

I know that living in the middle of the city means that many “country” experiences are limited or missing, but I noticed that there seem to be fewer birds around in general.  Canada geese (vicious beasts) are fairly plentiful along the river and in many parklets, but other than seagulls, crows and pigeons, I rarely see other birds.  The peregrine falcons that nest on the next building over haven’t shown up yet, and I think that’s probably due to the construction that’s currently snarling traffic on the next block!  The crowds of starlings and sparrows that used to congregate in the trees along the street are also not around.  Is it my imagination, or are there really fewer birds around?  There are definitely fewer flying insects — I no longer have dead bugs on my windscreen when driving so there are definitely fewer of them!  Plus the fireflies seem to have disappeared too.  It may also be that I’m not out as much as I used to be, but it’s sad to consider that there are fewer species sharing our spaces.  I don’t include spiders, cockroaches or mosquitoes— I’m happy for those to remain in abeyance! — along with rats… I’d turn the snake loose to hunt for those!  (My carer has an orange boa, which unnerves Don, makes Jerry uncomfortable and I am honestly fine with limited exposure!)

I was trying hard to avoid commenting on this, and I know that I’ll probably upset some people, but I’ll begin by saying this is my opinion, it’s not aimed at anyone, I’m happy to discuss civilly, but I’ll stop immediately on any ad hominem comments.  What’s this about?  A large portion of the federal public service opted for strike action, 9 days ago.  The 5 main sticking points are salary (of course); a right to remote work; a ban on contracting out; increased leave provisions and using seniority more.  I’m going to premise this by saying that in general I am opposed to strikes and public demonstrations, as I don’t think they’re particularly useful tools.  I know others disagree.  I’ve listened to the news reports, read the updates from the unions and lurked on Reddit, and many of the points raised just annoy me.  What I find even more annoying is the coverage of the picket lines, which show people partying and dancing, blocking traffic and shouting at passersby; then individuals giving interviews saying that they’re “protecting workers’ rights.”  I was even more angry at union members who were actively threatening their colleagues who were designated “essential” (meaning that they’re not allowed to strike) and saying that when they got back to work they’d “make them pay” — for honouring their contractual obligations that mean they have to go to work in the event of a strike?  Tell me again about the union’s strong “anti-bullying” stance!  They don’t seem to understand or appreciate the difference between “essential” workers and scabs, who break the picket line.  One is a role endorsed by the union and the other is technically illegal.  I’m also annoyed by union calls for “the Prime Minister to take over negotiations, because otherwise he’s ‘turning his back on poor women.’”  There’s a named team whose job it is to negotiate an agreement, so why would you name representatives to look after your interests, then undercut them by saying, “Bring in the big boss.”  That’s grandstanding at a disgraceful level.  Then the press (and certain MPs) who, at the start of this, were clamouring for “back to work” legislation, effectively cutting out the negotiation process.  That, to me, is an action of last resort, when attempts to reach agreement have failed.  Currently, the union hasn’t even returned to its members with the updated offer to ask for their vote, so IMO, both calling for the Head of Government to step in, and forcing employees back to work are inappropriate.

As for the requests… I’ve heard some union members say things that are incendiary.  I won’t repeat them because I’ll get upset and this will go downhill, but suffice to say that the comments are the most entitled, selfish and childish remarks I’ve heard in a long time.  They make me want to send everyone to the corner and wear dunce caps after being switched by a nice, flexible, branch or yardstick!  (See, they’re encouraging violence.)  I’ve read opinions who call public servants all sorts of dreadful names and claim that the pay and benefits are unfair.  IMO, denying workers reasonable pay and benefits is the real criminal activity and those organizations should be penalized.  Pitting workers against each other only serves to enrich the tiny 1% and deprives the 99% of the capability to have a decent living.  I remain of the view that someone who works a full time job should be able to raise their family and not have to hold 2 or more part time jobs just to make ends meet.  Also, a full time employee should have benefits like vacation, health care, pensions, etc.  Anyway, I rather would like everyone involved in this strike would think more clearly for a few minutes and move this off the front page; that goes for the Employer, the union and the talking heads in the press.

Now that’s off my chest, I’m going to go play with my just-woken-up and full of energy little dictator.  He’s scratching at my arm and feet to jump up on my lap and get cuddled.  Good night!


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