
Hristos vaskerse!  Happy Easter to all my Orthodox friends.  Wishing you all blessings of the season.

All week long, the forecast called for rain on the weekend with thunderstorms today.  Instead, it was a beautiful sunny day, albeit brisk near the lake.  We headed out with the kids to a park on the water, where they had a blast, and I sat in the car trying to get warm.  Sam dropped in on Don today, and took Jerry out for a long walk as it was also sunny and warm in defiance of the weather forecasters.  I happened to call while she was still there, and Jerry flat out ignored me in loving her!  I’d be jealous, except that he got more exercise than I could provide.  Don was secretly relieved as it lets him get his breath back; the sudden heat and humidity are hard on him.

As I mentioned, we had a little outing with the kids, first to the park on the waterfront, then to the mall for lunch.  I was reminded of how challenging it is with a toddler — first, getting them to try new foods, because they’re such notably choosy eaters, and yesterday’s favourite food will be pushed away with a sneer today — and further complicated by dietary considerations, where there’s a need to ensure that not only are foods safe, but that they’re not cross-contaminated.  I remember years ago having lunch with a Brahmin friend, who was strict vegan, and she often had challenges in food courts as meats and vegetables would be cooked on the same grill.  My own food issues are negligible in comparison, as there are very few places where beef is hidden, so I don’t have anywhere near as many difficulties.  The kids are very proudly reciting their full names and addresses — out of the blue!  At least they know who they are, where they live, and their parents’ names, so we’re pleased with that.

I’m a little annoyed.  For most of the time that I’ve been here, I’ve been struggling to eat, more than usual.  At the beginning I attributed it to that difficult journey that I experienced since I was in a lot of pain and that’s always a disincentive to eating.  Then I had a day where I had waves of nausea and “digestive issues” and since then… I can safely manage half of a sandwich before I start feeling over filled, bloated and gassy.  I don’t feel hungry, and I realized that I’m suddenly perfectly capable of not eating all day and not wanting to eat.  So I started making myself eat, which at least means I’m getting nutrients but I’m fairly sure I’m not eating anywhere near enough to meet my demands, so I’ll just avoid my scale so I can’t see how much I’ve lost.  (I know, that’s real mature!)  Even if I cook, I struggle to eat.  So far, the only things I’ve eaten fairly easily are eggs and part of a roti.  I’m wondering also if it may be that I’m uncomfortable in many chairs, so that may be causing a problem.  I’ll see how things are when I get back home this week; hopefully I’ll be in a better state in my own home.  

I’m tired after today.  It was fun, but walking through a mall and along the park is tiring.  Admittedly, it wasn’t far (thank goodness for my handicap parking pass) but I still felt drained after.  Everyone is sitting around reading and relaxing, as tomorrow is a regular day so an early night after a lot of fun is recommended.  I’m heading back tomorrow evening, so you’ll get an update from the train from Toronto.  Good night!


  1. Sarma is waiting for you!
    Thank you for good wishes for Orthodox Easter.
    Have a s
    afe trip home


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