
This was taken a couple weeks ago in Niagara, but I thought a hint of spring would be good.  The trees aren’t yet in full bloom here, but the hints of upcoming green are there.  It was a beautiful sunny day, warm enough to go out with just a light sweater — just fabulous.  I had a conversation that this is “layer season” as it’s too cold at the start of the day to leave the coat behind, but too warm at the end to need it, so you just keep peeling off layers to get to comfortable.  Jerry and I went out for a short walk and he was so excited to be able to sniff at things and run around a bit.  He’s tired out now, as am I, and I’m sure that we’ll get back to our routine of short walks on dry days (he hates getting wet, so walks in rain or snow do not add joy).  We ordered some pastries today; I took the advice of a friend who suggested doing this to distract from the scan’s stress.  I’ve had a small almond tart, which is just delightful with a cup of tea.  Don had a cream puff which was very full, and he’s happy with that.  His team didn’t win last night, so he’s hoping they’ll recover in the next game… I’ll have to be in the next room, just to cancel my “jinx” powers 😆 

I did my scan today.  The nurse looked at my name, looked at me and said, “You back again?”  I laughed.  I’ve had her before, and she’s quite fun… she always says that she’s been there for so long that she’s probably going to be the resident ghost!  I took off my sweater to find that all my veins — which were very prominent when I woke up — had all vanished, so I got a heated blanket.  I just love those heated blankets!!  Even on hot summer days, because the machine rooms are always frigid!  She took 2 tries to find a working vein, and the scan went well.  It was all done and we were heading back home in about 90 minutes.  When we got home, it was such a lovely mild day that I felt guilty staying home so we went out for a bit.  The walk was nice, but now I’m in some pain, so R&R is the order of the day.

Can someone explain the logic behind the lack of pockets in women’s clothes?  In winter, I often will leave my purse behind and fill my coat pockets with the bare essentials — keys, wallet, phone, mask, gloves and doggie bags.  When I’m not bundled in a massive coat, though… I don’t really want to have to carry a purse!  My pants — whether they’re leggings, jeans, track pants or dress pants — generally don’t have pockets, but they may have “pocket details” of a fake zipper or something.  What is this plot by designers?  Yes, as you all know, I have an assortment of purses, but I really like having my hands free.  Then, of course, sometimes I have a purse that I like and wear it until it falls apart and then I can’t find another like it.  (Speaking of which, I’ve got about 8 purses available for donations.  Plus a few pairs of shoes.). Anyway, returning to our mutton (as the French say) this anti-pocket campaign really should come to an end!  I’ve actually got sleep shirts that have useable pockets, so why not my “go out into the world looking like an adult” clothes?  More to the point, why are the more expensive clothing items so pocket phobic?  I do miss having my cousin nearby; she used to make all of my clothes before I moved to Canada, and every item she made for me had pockets.  (She would get frustrated with me asking for pockets and then manage them.  She says that I pushed her to try new things, and I honestly miss her!  Quick update: her husband is doing very well after his heart attack, and he’s at home recovering nicely.)

It’s about that time…I’m about to be pounced on and attacked in a minute.  I will, therefore, clear my lap so it’s not a war zone 😊  Good night!


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