Sweeping the clouds

It’s another beautiful day in the neighbourhood and I was able to be out on the lawn with my sister’s dog for a while today.  He settled down to bask in the sun, and I just enjoyed the warmth.  I was woken up by a chorus of birds, and I really enjoyed that!  I don’t often hear songbirds in the city, so it was great to hear that when I opened my eyes.  I had a small setback today; for unknown reasons, I had a wave of nausea followed by an attack of the runs and some dreadful gas today.  It’s most annoying, especially as I have a roti waiting to be eaten, but I can’t if my digestion is acting up!  Don decided to go to the supermarket yesterday, and texted me that he was heading over around 6:30pm.  At 10pm I called, wondering where he was, to learn that he’d just arrived home, exhausted to the point of breathlessness because the store is bigger than he can comfortably walk.  Then I found that he bought a few cakes, tarts and other such, and he’s content wolfing them down before I return home.  Jerry still isn’t talking to me, and continues to ignore my voice… I’ve got reparations to do, it seems! 😁

My niece has ballet this afternoon, so she was collected early from daycare and came home.  She was a little tired, as it would have been nap time, so she asked if I would take a nap with her.  We curled up on the sofa and slept for a little over an hour — I have to say that this afternoon nap time is a brilliant idea!  Then we had snacks and juice before she had to head off to ballet.  Our conversation was very serious on 2 topics: “Where’s my brother?” (At daycare.)  “Auntie, a hundred is a 1 and 2 0’s right?  See, here it is!” (Pointing at her juice box.)  Very meaningful!  My nephew arrived home feeling a little cranky, and brought over his trucks book to point out excavators, tractors and fire engines (“Auntie, I saw a fire engine.  And a school bus.  And I counted fire hydrants on the way home.”)  I also was informed, proudly, that “Z is for Zamboni.  I saw a Zamboni at the ice rink.”  My conversation isn’t exactly world-shattering, but they’re very intense in these discussions.

My dad is causing a little bit of concern.  He fell in the bathroom last night, and said that he couldn’t get up, nor could he call for help for several hours.  He’s fine today, somewhat shaken but unhurt.  We’re going to try to persuade him to wear an alert button, he’s fiercely independent and doesn’t wear any jewelry, so that might be a challenge. 

I’m loving the sight of flowers popping up.  I know that we’re late, and almost everyone else in the northern hemisphere has already gone through the rounds of spring flowers and daffodils, crocuses and so on are past, while they’re just now emerging.  After months of cold, grey and brown, it’s delightful to see the golden pops of colour under trees and in sunny corners.  The trees are also beginning to show the red fuzz that precedes the emergence of leaves, so soon enough, the world will be green again.  Spring is lovely for this, and I really would love to stretch out the time even further to just bask in the reemergence of life.  It’s a good thing, I suppose, that life regrows quickly, as we then have more time to enjoy the blossoms.  

It’s now time for reading stories; I have managed to avoid Frozen for the most part, although I can now identify more types of trucks than I ever knew existed until recently.  The boy just loves them.  Good night!


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