Train home

So I’m using a photo from our drive to Niagara last Friday, because today’s weather was “seasonal” = cold, wet, rainy and with a chilling wind!  Quite a departure from the last few days!  I had a relaxed morning, then a moment of frantic panic, then calm, and I’m now on the second of my two trains heading back to Ottawa.  There’s no danger of a late connection, as my first train becomes the second, so I just needed to change cars.  Don has decided to live dangerously, and was threatening to “forget” my arrival time tonight. Then he realized the consequences in the form of a small black dog who would not be amused to be separated from his nighttime snuggler for another, unscheduled night.  Jerry knows I’m due back, and apparently has been looking for me.  A few more hours and I’m back with my boys!

I tried to tell the kids that I was leaving today (we all did.)  They looked singularly unimpressed; then it was explained that Auntie was going back to her own house, and my nephew said, “Bye Auntie Sonja, have a good home!”  He didn’t like or appreciate being asked to say “have a good trip,” or “bon voyage” 😁  He looked in my room this morning, saw I was awake, and backed out, returning a moment later with a book and climbed into bed with me so I could read.  My niece showed up for an enthusiastic hug, and ran off for breakfast.  Auntie — the ultimate piece of furniture 🤣  I know they’ll miss me, as she told me to come back more often.

So everyone’s travelled before, and ignored the safety announcements when the cabin crew goes through the drill.  I think I’m one of a few who’s actually read the safety leaflet.  Anyway, the attendant is doing her job, and asked me if I’m physically able to open the emergency exit; I apologize and say no.  As much as I’d like to, I’d be a liability in case of a problem.  So she asked the man behind me, who refused and went on about how it’s “not his job.”  Fortunately, the man in front accepted.  Sadly, that’s just the first of the crappy passenger experience and we’ve  not even reached the first station yet!  A woman took a seat that wasn’t the one she had been assigned; when the assignee arrived, she refused to move because she “already sat down and the car isn’t full.”  The attendant was patient, and explained why she needed to move.  Instead of moving, she created a scene.  Cue the arrival of the purser and security… I consider that she was fortunate to just be relocated to her seat instead of escorted off.  I don’t understand the sense of entitlement that seems to pervade so many people!  The attendant had to explain the rationale for keeping people in their assigned seats (gruesomely, to assist in identifying bodies in case of an accident; also to manage allergies)  Ms. Entitlement made some rude noises as she was resettled, and she’s avoiding eye contact with her fellow passengers.  When travelling, please don’t be like this woman, creating a mess for no reason.  You don’t win awards for being unpleasant, but you do attract a lot of bad karma.    The attendant, though, is sweet.  Turns out she’s also from Trinidad, we’re from the same area, and actually are distant cousins.  (My grandmother was her great-grandmother’s sister.)  Is that not awesome and amazing and proof that the world is tiny?  Just more reason to always be kind; you never know who you’ll randomly encounter!  The purser is also from the Caribbean — St Lucia, so this is a great crew already!  😆 

They’re about to serve dinner, so I’ll sign off and clear the table so there’s room to eat.  I’ve got a couple of books in which to lose myself after, so I probably won’t update until tomorrow.  Hope you have a good night and that you’re not out in cold, wet conditions!  Good night!


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