Long weekend

It’s a long weekend, and today it POURED 🌧️ I don’t usually hear the sound of rain in my condo, as the roof is concrete and I’m 20 floors up, so I don’t hear it hitting the ground but the wind changed direction so I could hear my patio furniture getting drenched.  Any plants that were outside would also have got soaked, but nothing’s out yet.  Jerry was still in his zoomies mood, when he wasn’t napping on my lap or throwing his heavy gorilla on my toes.  He also took a nap (we all did) during the rainstorm and are slowly getting up and moving again.  Don was having some difficulty breathing this morning, but that seems to have settled, so the rain helped tremendously.  We’re now catching up on episodes of Jeopardy Masters where I’m rooting for one particular contestant and Don is generally just enjoying the competition.  The semi-finals and finals are this week, so we’re not too far behind.  Jerry doesn’t care about this, and just wants someone to pay attention to him and not the TV so he doesn’t like when we’re calling out answers or muttering against the contestants we dislike.

I finally finished the crochet, and I’ve included a photo as promised.  Don says that the photo doesn’t do it justice, as the colours don’t show up as brightly.  I’m looking at it and thinking that I can see all my errors, and hoping that the person for whom I made it is less critical than I am and that they’ll enjoy it (even if they see it here before they get it; they don’t know it’s coming)  My current crochet occupation is delta going a MEGA snarl that occurred when I tried to start a new roll.  Instead of finding an end, I got not one, but THREE yarn-barfs that are just tangling themselves more and more.  I’m seriously tempted to bring out the scissors and cut the Gordian knot!  Any votes?

I’m still easily tired, as evidenced by my dozing off in the middle of the afternoon with no warning, and my appetite is better known in its absence.  I made a few things to eat today, none of which appealed.  I have my reminders set so that I’ve had “supper” so that 2 hours will elapse before I take my chemo pills.  I realized last night that if I manage to take my pills around 8/8:30, then I can have a snack around 9:30 before I go to bed and that seems to help my sugar levels, my nausea and my sleep.  The challenge remains finding something to eat that I enjoy!  Everything tastes metallic, and while I know intellectually that it will pass, right now it’s difficult.  Even the incentive of the “FUN” diet where I can eat any and everything doesn’t help.  I’m avoiding my favourite foods (again) because I want them to stay my favourites.  At this stage, if I eat say, curry, and it doesn’t taste right, the next time I see curry I’ll turn away.  Sadly, even chocolate doesn’t have any appeal.  It’s dreadful!

I have to wonder about what drives ad agencies — why should my laundry smell heavily of floral perfumes?  Don has an allergic reaction to those perfumes, and so do millions of others.  I would prefer to hang my clothes out in the sunshine and get that sun-baked scent, not heavy perfumes.  I also don’t think that I need to have my teeth the same colour as tissue paper, and my friends don’t hold lengthy angst sessions of “OMG, my teeth aren’t snow coloured!”  I think that I’m getting old, cranky and hungry, so I am more inclined to shake my cane and yell, “Hey you young whippersnappers, get off’n my lawn!” Or whatever the equivalent is to advertisers and people who try to sell me stuff.  

I’ll just go quietly now and play with the dog.  The alternatives are all likely to make me feel crabby, which are probably all hunger and tiredness related.  So the puppy will get cuddles, and I’ll wish you all Good Night.


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