
 This is Daddy, taken yesterday.  I’m happy to report that he’s doing well, has a good appetite and when we talked, he was happy.  All good stuff (he was having Thai for lunch). Today started off with rain, then cleared up to a cool but sunny day.  Jerry was again spending as much time as he could on my lap, and when my support worker arrived, he went through a little dance of excitement for her.  Don is still working on his computer, and I am continuing to do anything else!  I also learned that hockey — a game played on ice!! — has a junior tournament in summer!!!  Clearly I’m not a sports fan, as I’m not interested in all these assorted “championships.”  The forecast is for 29C+ for Monday, so summer’s on the way!   We’ll have to see how everyone copes with the temperatures forecast for next week.

I had an almost normal meal today!  I’d bought some frozen Indian entrées and reheated them along with some rice (I’m supposed to eat with naan, just to boost my calories, but I didn’t want to.). Fingers crossed, that’s the start of a trend in the right direction.  My arm persists in being annoying, and I have moments when it zaps me painfully.  There are certain movements (usually sudden ones) that cause pain.  My support worker was a life saver, as she bathed me and saved me from using the arm.  I’ve been using a muscle rub, massager and heat on it, which all seem to help somewhat.  Plus a few exercises that are intended to improve flexibility.  All these things to try and get past the pain… although I remember that both my aunt and my father had issues with their arm for a while, and they (like me today) needed help getting dressed; Daddy’s has improved, but it took a long while — a couple of years.

I do not often get political, and rarely do I express political opinions.  But I have to say that I am disgusted by the behaviour of one of the leaders of the major political parties here.  He (they’re all “he”) thinks that he’s being clever and funny when he’s just being petty.  It’s not yet election season, and he’s released attack ads against his main opponent.  He’s also been slinging mud and fostering conspiracy theories online.  During the occupation last year, he stood with the “truckers” and supported them and their stupidity.  As frustrated as I might be with the party in power, any hope that I might vote for a candidate of this “leader’s” party has dropped to zero.  Heck, I’d vote for the spaghetti party (it’s real, look it up) instead!  I’ve got this bizarre belief that politicians should be honourable, decent persons who should demonstrate the kind of behaviour they claim to want to see.  This man follows closely the tactics of the orange menace and its followers, and while Canada has repeatedly rejected that kind of thinking, it continues to grow in some areas.  I’m not going to tell anyone how to vote, but I ask that you consider whether someone who sides with racists, anti-vaccine proponents and can’t tell the difference between US and Canadian laws is really someone who should be trusted with leadership.

That being said, I’ll end my political thoughts.  Maybe I’m naïve but I think that most people go into politics with the intention to serve the public, and some stay too long and become discouraged at the slow pace of change.  Some, few, go in to gain power, and they want to be in charge — they should not, under any circumstances, be allowed to hold any role of authority.  They, like Zaphod Beeblebrox, are unstable.  Speaking of, Towel Day is tomorrow, as “I could never get the hang of Thursday,” and it’s the anniversary of the passing of Douglas Adams.  Good writing, and memorable texts.  

OK, it’s time to eat so I can prepare for my chemo tablets.  Jerry is ready for his evening cuddles, so I’ve got to go.  Good night!


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