

Isn’t that lovely?  A macaw in a tree happily devouring fruit… Sent from Trinidad again, and I thought I’d share this with you.  Today felt like it was summer — it’s currently 26C and hazy (the after-effects of wildfires in Alberta, several thousand miles away). I’m feeling really tired today, after making a trip to Costco, so this will be brief.  Jerry is letting me know that he didn’t approve of me going out today and leaving him behind!  Oh the puppy-nity!  He sulked when I got back, but I was forgiven as he got a treat so that helped.  Right now he’s trying to get me to play with his gorilla, and when he’s ignored he’s doing his best to get my attention (Don, unreasonably, needed to leave the room). He’s happy as his team won last night (they needed to if they wanted to avoid elimination)  I’m not exactly sure what my in-room status is, as although I was in the same room, I was busy doing something else, so I didn’t actually watch the game.  As mentioned, sports isn’t my thing, so I have the ability to tune it out unless it’s very loud.  I learnt that if I change my bedtime, it drives Jerry crazy and he’s more agitated the next day.  I think he’s smarter than the average pup!

Nightly rant about the crochet project.  I want it to be filled with thoughts of kindness and love, so I’m pausing since I’m so tired, so that the tiredness and irritation aren’t transferred.  I’ll resume tomorrow when I’m more energetic.   I did a little too much — Costco is rather large, and everything you want is at the opposite end of the store from where you are, and at the wrong end of the blocked aisle from where you’re standing, so lots of walking; that means that I ran out of energy (and air) quickly, so I headed for the cash and food court so I could rest before finishing everything. 

Thank you everyone for all the many kind messages and your thoughts.  I’m thankful to have so many of you who are a source of love, even though we’re in different places.  I loved the calls and the photos; also.  Quick update, I was approved for financial aid for the new medication and it’s being delivered tomorrow; I’ll have a consultation with the pharmacist and will be able to start taking it by Monday.  Expect some updates on the treatment as we go.  I’m praying that it will give me several more years of a decent life, in which I can continue to enjoy the people and things I most love.  

So… I was wondering if I could do a registry for my birthday, or whether that would be selfish?  I got an email from Etsy advertising their new registry feature, but it’s only for weddings.  I think that I’ll find somewhere and set up a registry and ask people to participate.  What do you think?

OK, the dog is really getting intrusive now.  I’ll have to stop and pay attention to him or else I run the risk of him damaging my iPad.  Then I’ll head in to get some sleep… Good night!


  1. Amen. You are a strong person with faith. All things are possible with God.


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