
It’s been a great day.  I had lunch with an old boss and still good friend today; lunch was one of those where the company was excellent, and the food was acceptable; I was really happy to see her.  The pandemic wreaked havoc on my social life, and it’s so good to be able to spend time with people again.  The temperature has been spring-like, dropping 10 degrees in just over an hour — I went out and it was 17C, got out of the restaurant and it was 7, feeling like 3… Jerry was, of course, very annoyed that I went out.  He somehow knew that I was planning to go out from the time I got out of bed and was on my lap and underfoot all morning!  He announced his annoyance to all and sundry as I was on the phone and getting ready.  Don spent a large part of the afternoon on the phone trying to sort out some confusion with a credit card, getting increasingly annoyed with the person on the phone — not unreasonably, in my view, as they seemed to be clueless on how to cancel a card (or perhaps didn’t want to be the name associated with a cancellation?). He’s now playing with Jerry who is in a bouncy mood and has the zoomies.

My crochet project is approaching its end!  ðŸŽ‰ I got the delivery of the extra yarn I needed, so by tomorrow it will be done!  I’ll post a photo when it’s all done, and you are allowed to point out the massive error in the pattern that I discovered 2 full rows after I committed it, and I was not about to frog that much, which would have created a perfect pattern, but would have introduced a level of frustration that should not be there.  

In talking with my friend today, she said, “I hope you won’t post that I did  something embarrassing today” (she didn’t; I did) and we laughed about that.  Then we discussed the fact that many of the people who read this are friends of mine, and know me (and each other, to some extent) so they might scan for references to themselves.  I said that I know that some people comment more than others, and that in the beginning I was censoring myself, as I didn’t want to express thoughts that might hurt or offend my friends.  Then I came to accept that if I censored my thoughts so that I only write positive things that it would not be an honest record.  I apologize in advance if I offend anyone, but these are not  directed at any one person.  I know that some of the more vocal people (Hi, T!) are not shy to tell me when they disagree with me, and there are others (Hi J&H) who are great at sharing their experiences about different things.  I love that people read this, and take the time to respond to my thoughts.  Thank you for your support!

I’ve set a reminder on my phone to remember to take my new meds, which led to a second one to eat supper, as I need to take the pills on an empty stomach — 2 hours after a meal or an hour before — and since I take them before bed I need to stop eating 2 hours before.  That sounds more difficult than reality, since (a) I don’t eat much and (b) I have a long standing habit of eating fairly early anyway.  In any case, the “eat supper” reminder just went off, so I can do that before the “take meds” one does in 2 hours.  So, I’m off to graze.  Good night!


  1. Sweet pic excited to see your fin piece of c


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