More rain…

Sticking with photos from Trinidad; this one is the back garden of my house, which is one of my safe and happy spaces.  My brother sent the photo of some newly bloomed flowers.  This is me coping with some homesickness.  The rain continues today, and I’m again happy to live on the 20th floor of my building so flooding is not a realistic risk.  I’m concerned about some of my friends as I keep hearing about the river rising and seeing photos of heavy floods.  Jerry has hurt himself; we’re not exactly sure how.  He tried to jump on the sofa as usual, screamed, and has been curled up and cuddly.  When I checked him over, it feels like he’s pulled a muscle — he’s eating, drinking and walking normally, but he’s extra quiet.  He’s not jumping much (obviously) but he’s not exhibiting any pain symptoms.  Don is feeling a little under the weather, and complained of an upset tummy.  I’d like to shut the hospital that I seem to be running here, please!!  I prefer it when my boys are healthy and up to their usual stuff, even when I tune out some of their antics.

Small plug here… one of my friends has launched a podcast to discuss Environment, Social and Government (ESG) factors in industry.  The  First Episode is available from today, and I’d encourage you to listen.  I’m not a podcast listener, really, but for her I will.

My crochet project has been restarted.  I couldn’t find coordinating colours or enough yarn to make it worthwhile, but I did have a large stash of other colours (not quite what I wanted) and began again late last evening.  I’m now almost at the point where I’d stopped (and that was after 4 days and lots of frogging!) so I’m cautiously optimistic of making my (self-imposed) deadline.  I’ve been warned not to stress myself out, so I’ll do what I can.  I also spoke with the dietitian, who said that I’m now on the “Fun” diet — I need a lot of calories which means that I can eat anything and everything that’s calorie dense just to get them in.  It’s not quite carte blanche to gorge on cakes and sweets, but I need to increase my protein intake.  (I learnt that nuts count as a protein source.  Who’d have thought?  Yes, probably everyone else, but not me.  NO, I’m not about to start eating “cashew cheese.”  Stay out of my food!)  The occupational therapist asked the same questions and made the same suggestions that I expect the first time I meet one, and I gave the answers I usually do.  He’s “pleased” that I blog regularly, and “would encourage” me to get out more.  I replied that I would when the weather improves and I have more energy.  He looks like he’s in his early teens… heck of a thing, but young people seem too young to do things!  I begin to understand the people who gave me the side eye when I first started out 😁

Question… how much spoiling is too much?  I have ideas of getting some things to spoil myself, but there’s a battle between my practical side (who has my mother looking disapprovingly at needless spending) and my indulgent side.  So I’ll see something I like, add it to my shopping cart, and then I’ll ask myself, “what are you doing?  You’ll never use that!” And it stays in the cart, so I get dozens of “You left something behind” emails.  I’d racked up a couple thousands in indulgent purchases, all of which are still gathering e-dust in my cart.  I did give in after my scan for some pastries, but then paused on a couple other things.  

I’m going to go pet my little boy who is not feeling well.  He’s looking pitiful so I’ll lift him on my lap (he hurts my hip after a while, but I’ll just swallow some pain meds) and cuddle him.  My big boy will get the last bar of chocolate (which I’d been saving for myself) so hopefully they’ll both feel better soon.  Good night!


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