
Yesterday was the 85th birthday of Aunt P, the mother of a dear friend. I was lucky enough to be invited to share in the cake (homemade tiramisu), some wine and singing “Happy Birthday,” so it was a lovely evening.  I didn’t stay late, but I was definitely tired when I got home.  I’ve also finished my crochet project, so both of the SP have their own handmade-by-auntie blankets.  Hers is pastel blues, greens, lilacs and pinks, while his is yellow, pink, red and mauve.  They’re excited by these, and once his blanket is washed, they’ll both be using them.  (She got hers when I arrived at the beginning of the month, and they’ve been playing with it for days now.)  My boys are both doing well and are happy.  Jerry is very excited about his walker, who comes every day to take him out.  I was told that he sits behind the door when she’s expected and wriggles with excitement.  Don’s been managing ok, although he said that his balance is a bit off.  He said that walking is ok, but to handle the cane and Jerry is a struggle.  But at least they’re looked after, safe and healthy.  

Tomorrow I fly to Trinidad for just over a week.  It’s my first trip in over 3 years; the last time was for my father’s 85th birthday.  This is a bittersweet visit, as Auntie Ming is no longer there, and I’m already missing her presence in the house.  As you know, I’m devastated that I didn’t get to see her before her passing, although we did speak every day.  My sister and I had planned this trip with the hope of seeing her, and I am thankful to have her company.  Our visits after our mother’s passing 7 years ago were done separately, although my sister-friend accompanied me for a week (I stayed on for an extra fortnight) and having her helped with handling the loss.  Anyway, I’m anticipating getting to spend time with my family and friends (anyone who’s feeling ill will please video chat and not spread germs, thanks!)  Our father has been preparing enthusiastically for our arrival, and has been hinting at surprises that he’s arranged.  I rather think that he will be happy to have all of us in the country and mostly in the house for the short time that we’re there.  On our return to Toronto, I’ll be with my sister and her family for a few days before I return to Ottawa.  You guys know how to reach me (my Ottawa WhatsApp contact will still work) and I’d love to see as many people as possible.  There is not likely to be a blog post tomorrow because I’ll be travelling, although I may write on the flight and post when I get home and connect to Wi-Fi; not certain yet.

The SP have been told that momma and Auntie are going to Trinidad, and they’ve said goodbye a few times already 😂 I don’t think that it’s fully sunk in yet, and I won’t push it, because it may distress them.  

I’ve got to go sort out my packing.  It’s not much, as I have the Trini portion of my luggage never unpacked since I arrived.  It’s really to ensure that I don’t forget anything else — I already realized that I left some important things in Ottawa when I came here!  I’ll leave a few clothes behind, as I don’t need long-sleeved sweaters in the tropics! Luckily I also have quite a few items there, so clothes are not a problem.  After packing there’s story time, which can’t be skipped, as you can guess!  We’ll see what options I get tonight — the cookbook seems to be the current favourite.  She likes looking at the pictures and hasn’t connected them to food yet. So I’m off for tonight.  We’ll resume in a day or two.  Good night!


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