Family fun

Another lovely warm day today. This warm weather in late October is such a gift! After yesterday we opted to stay home and have a . rest. So my niece helped me to prepare lunch-a mushroom risotto, chimmichurri shrimp and London bar cookies. She helped me to pound walnuts for the cookies; grind garlic and parsley for the shrimp; make vanilla sugar and, of course, ensure quality control by sampling! Very helpful! My boys were quite comfy when we spoke, and Jerry seems to be willing to forgive me for my absence-he was looking around for me when I spoke to him.

I'm realizing that my return to Ottawa is drawing closer. I still have a couple of weeks, but fewer than at the start! My sister commented that I'd have to stay with them to cook and baby sit, because they're so used to me now LOL Besides which, she says, the Small People will be sad without their reading buddy and playmate. They are certainly attached to me, and my nephew considers that I'm his personal jungle-gym and bookstand!  He waddles up to me lugging a book as big as he is and just hands it to me saying. "read this!" or he'll climb into my bed, crawling over me, to hand me a book or a truck! As for my niece-well, she has adorned my iPad (or, as she calls it, my "book phone") with about 20 "My Little Pony" stickers, and she waits for me to read to her at bedtime. She actually made her first 3 chain stitches in crochet today! She seems to want to copy me in most things.

I'll miss all of them when I go back, much as I miss my family in Trinidad. I'd prefer it if we were all closer because then we could spend more time together. But life can sometimes lead us in different directions so we are separated from our loved ones. I can find maybe 2 good things about that:

1) The time we have together is more precious because we can't take each other for granted, and

2) We meet people we would otherwise not have known, and expand our circles to include more wonderful persons! That being said, separation is still not easy, and our time together is to be cherished.

Story time is long over, but I was disturbed in my writing. So I'm back to finish tonight's update and then to bed. I've already spoken with my boys and wished them sweet dreams, so now I'm off to sleep. Good night!


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