Family time

I've arrived safely at my sister's place, and have been under a pile of kiddies and books when they're not in daycare. Auntie is very popular for reading (over and over and over) stories! It's good to have them, and they seem happy to have Auntie here to play with and get her to read. My morning starts with small people carrying books climbing on me before my eyes are open! I'm also delighted to spend time with my sister; I'd prefer if we lived closer. Not forgetting my boys; I miss them and I am adjusting to no dog on my tummy in the night! They are both doing well, thankfully. and Don and I talk several times a day. Isn't technology great? Being able to call-both voice and video-anywhere on the planet without long distance charges. Very different from even 20 years ago when it was possible, but not easy, or 40 years ago when it wasn't possible out of movies and books!

Since my aunt's passing on Saturday, I've been reflecting on the temporary and transitory nature of life. As you do, following a death in your close circle. There are all of the trite comments about life being too short-true, no matter how many years you live. There's always more to see, do or say. When there's a death, we suddenly wish w e'd said "I love you" more; or that we had another chance for a hug. One friend said that he wished he knew exactly the day and hour of his future death, so he'd know how to plan. I'm not sure that I'd like that. I think that it's better if we lived each day as if it were our last-another cliche-so we aren't left being filled with regrets.

It got driven into me a bit harder that life is a series of moments all strung together. It only takes one to irrevocably change a life. There may be a long build up, but the actual event is just an. instant! When that instant passes, it's past and gone. You can't step into the same river twice, and no two moments are the same. The world goes through constant change, but we're only really aware for single moments- snapshots-that freeze time for us. My memories are comprised of a series of moments, and I flip through them like a photo album. As time passes, there are more, but still just fragments-and if I asked 3 people about a single incident, there would be 3 different responses.  Then, too, we change as time passes. As we mature, the things that we consider important in an event will change. I'm really saying that we might not be able to trust the accuracy of our memories. For all their flaws, though, our memories make us who we are. When we lose them, we lose ourselves, which is really sad. Our death makes the loss permanent, but we live on in the minds of others. I think that we only fully die when there's no-one who remembers us.

I don't know what happens after we die-nobody does, not with any certainty. But I can imagine what's next. Well, not really. I think that it will be something beyond our present understandings. I don't think that we really have the vocabulary for it, but we can make (inadequate) guesses. What I think is that we will merge into the Great Consciousness that is God, and we'll be able to fully experience love, joy and.peace. I am not yet ready to quit this existence, even though there are moments when it's rough.

While we're here, it's probably best to remember that our time is limited. We get one chance in this life to do good, care for others and make our part of the world better. That is both easier and more difficult than it seems. We should treat others with a basic level of kindness, and not look down on those who are less fortunate than ourselves-all things we're taught (hopefully) at home, at school or in the community. If we do this. I think that we'll find that the way to heaven is easier.

I'm in need of a good night's sleep. Although I can't complain about why my sleep is inadequate- I love my niece and nephew, and I'm happy to be at the bottom of the Auntie-and-kids pile!  Speaking of-it's time for bedtime stories, so I'll leave you and attend to my duties! Good night!


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