
It was another lovely Fall afternoon.  This morning started out chilly and damp, with hail and rain, then this afternoon was mild and sunny.  I confess to spoiling the kiddies — we were grocery shopping today, and I bought a pack of “colouring cookies” — iced sugar cookies with a set of “markers” that you use to decorate them.  They were told that I had a surprise for them, so when they came in from daycare, they raced to find me in my chair and yelled, “Surprise!!” They had a lot of fun colouring the icing and then eating some of the cookies (they were a little too big to be eaten in one sitting.)  Spoke with my boys today, as usual.  Jerry is sulking at me, and kept knocking the phone out of Don’s hand so he couldn’t talk to me for long.  Don said that he isn’t allowed any time to himself, because Jerry is almost always with him.  

I’m very pleased, as I mentioned yesterday, that I’m not in much pain nor do I need insulin or treatment for high sugar.  I’m definitely better and somewhat stronger than I was last Christmas when I was with them, although my endurance is not great.  My sister keeps reminding me that I’ve been through a lot, with several major surgeries, a number of rough treatments and so on, plus I’m no longer in my teens, so it’s unsurprising that I’m easily tired.  That’s all accurate, but I’d still like to have more energy than I do.  They are insistent that I don’t overexert myself, so if I cook breakfast (for example) then I’m banished from the kitchen for the rest of the day.  I see how much work there is with 2 young children, and I’d like to do more to help, but I know that I’m useless if I do too much, so there’s a need to balance.

I realized today that most of my friends are of long standing, from my friends who I’ve known since I was 10, to those I’ve made since I came to Canada, and most of them I’ve known for over 20 years.  It’s amazing how quickly time passes when you’re not paying attention, isn’t it?  I mean, during the pandemic I didn’t meet any new people, so I wasn’t able to add any new friends.  My sister pointed out that at this stage of life, we know quickly whether we want to keep people around us or not, and the ones we keep are likely to be for life.  The ones with whom I’ve lost touch had just… faded out of contact, as opposed to being thrown out.  I hope that we’ll be able to be in touch again, but if not, well… there was a quote about people being in our lives for a season or a reason; to be an example or a warning.  I hope that I’m not a warning, and I hope that if I’m intended to be in someone’s life temporarily that I leave good memories behind.  There are so many wonderful people in my life, and I’m really thankful and happy for all of them.

I’m hearing sounds upstairs that suggest that I’ll be called upon in a minute, so I’ll say good night.  I’ve been able to avoid Frozen again, and read My Little Pony last night.  I’m going to try to sneak in perhaps a Dr. Seuss or a Bible story or two (Noah?  David and Goliath?)  I wouldn’t use Adam and Eve, since I have many, many questions on that, as my elder niece will attest.  In my view, Adam ate the fruit first, and so learnt to lie and blamed Eve.  Since he then was the one who told the story, it’s unsurprising that she’s been cast as the villain.  I’m willing to discuss this in more detail anytime — and I’m really not supportive of the “I hate men” version of feminism.  I think that’s just wrong.  I can’t support any movement that preaches hatred, no matter the presentation.  But that’s for another time.  Tonight, Auntie is needed to read a story.  Good night!


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