Kiddie time

I’m sitting in the garden keeping an eye on the kids who are enjoying a very warm late afternoon.  My niece is singing at the top of a very healthy pair of lungs a song about upside down chickens, while my nephew is running around pretending to mow the lawn.  I’m in trouble because I wasn’t in my chair when they got in from daycare, so they were distressed not to find me.  This promises some tears when I return to Ottawa!  The books are piled up waiting for me to come in and read later, but for now, it’s time to enjoy the weather.  My boys are doing well, and Jerry has developed the habit of pushing the phone out of Don’s hands when I’m talking, because he’s apparently displeased that I’m not there for him to boss around.  Don’s managed to get some rest, so he looks less tired than he did yesterday when he had over exerted himself.  I’d honestly prefer if my family were closer than they are now.  The distances are too large for enjoyment.  No, I’m not planning to leave Ottawa, because I’ve made a home there, but I’d like it if there were easier ways to see everyone I care about.  

I’ve been lectured by both my sister and one of my friends that I’m looking worn out and seem to need more rest.  I don’t think that I’m doing very much, but they tell me that I’m overextending myself and am not pacing myself properly.  I mean, I make maybe 1 meal for the family, and I’ll spend time reading (and repeatedly rereading) books and I’ll have the kids climbing into my lap, but I don’t see that as “doing too much” but apparently I’m not a good judge of how I expend my energy.  Am I a dreadful aunt for being relieved that they were in daycare today so I could spend some time crocheting?  (Can’t do that when my niece is home, because she wants to learn.)

We said goodbye to Auntie Ming today, and I’ve posted the tribute that I wrote and my sister read for her as an extra, if anyone would like to read it.  It’s a challenge to summarize 89 years into 5 minutes (the official time allotted on the programme; it was actually 10 minutes in all) and capture enough of the person to convey their importance while not descending into something maudlin.  One of my friends shared an expression with me that I’m finding comforting; her memory is a blessing to all of us who knew her, and as another friend put it, we will be sure to share her stories with everyone else that we know, so that she continues to influence us.  

We streamed the service, of course.  That’s a dubious benefit of the pandemic, as it’s possible to share in the memorial of a departed one even if you’re not in the same country (or if you’re unable to make the trip for reasons of age or infirmity.)  It was comforting to see the people there, and my sister who was there said that it was nice to see family members who she hadn’t seen throughout the pandemic.  I always remark that it is sad that families really only meet at funerals.  We make promises to meet regularly, but then life intervenes and time passes, and we let the plans to meet slip.  It’s probably a good thing that I’ll be heading home in a few weeks, as we’ll make arrangements to all get together while I’m home (in smaller, outdoor groups) and catch up.  

I had to pause in my writing as we had to make “pinecone soup,” “climb mountains” and “explore the forest” and various other princess duties 😂 It’s now bath time, so I’ll be on story duty soon.  I just nipped in to finish off before bedtime.  I think that I’m going to “lose” Frozen tonight, since I’ve already read it since they came home once, and I’m really bored of Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven.  I also hid “I Spy” and “The Wheels on the bus” because they might incite me to violence (or just insanity!)  So wish me luck as I try to slip in a change.  Good night!


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