Shubh Divali

Our lovely warm weather continues for another day.  We expect that it will last through tomorrow and then it starts getting cold by the weekend.  Halloween (which is not something I celebrate) is likely to be a Canadian one, with costumes needing to fit over snowsuits!  The Small People invaded my room early this morning, and I was adorned with stickers on my arms — that I had to keep on all day long, too!  There I was, walking through stores with  My Little Pony stickers on my arm.  People grinned at me when they saw it, but just nodded.  I was out trying to get my flu shot again; I was told first that I am not old enough to get the high potency vaccine, never mind my medical conditions, then she  said that they were out.  I’ll probably never know which was the real reason.  Then I was out with my dear friend again to Niagara (not the Falls, but the town) where we did some shopping — I’ve been blamed for him spending money 😂 I asked him to talk me out of buying a purse, which he did, but then he talked me into another (prettier) one!  In return, I took him to my favourite chocolate place, where we both bought things.  Don was living vicariously through my shared location, and would text me comments on the area every so often.  Jerry was ignoring me again when I called, but then climbed on Don to block the phone… silly little dog.

I think that I may have done too much today.  I’m feeling a bit tired, and my back is, of course, sore.  It’s not too bad, definitely not like last week when it just suddenly flared up.  I’m going to be home tomorrow and get some rest, so that should help it go away.

Happy Divali, to all those who are celebrating.  I admit that I rather miss being in Trinidad for this festival, as well as many others, because it’s so lovely.  There are so many creative shapes that are made out of bent bamboo then filled with deyas and lit.  I remember flying in one night and the view from the plane was just magical with all the lights flickering in the darkness.  I also love the meaning of the festival — a beautiful reminder that there is no darkness so great that a small light cannot overcome it.  No matter how dark it is, even the smallest candle shines brightly and can show us the way.  Isn’t it wonderful to consider that deep life lesson with something as simple as a small candle?  And, of course, food.  Food is so central to so many things, and it’s an easy way for us to learn about each other.  Sharing meals is such a blessing, isn’t it?

Does anyone else have it happen that their minds suddenly go blank so they forget what they were about to do or say?  It happens to me sometimes and I find it highly irritating!  It’s happened that I open my browser to look up an item, and by the time it’s open, I can’t remember what I wanted to search.  Or I’ll start talking about something, and halfway through a sentence my mind just goes blank.  I (and others) just joke about senior moments but it’s really annoying.  I bring this up because I’d intended to write about something tonight, but now I have no idea what it was, so you’re getting my senior rambling instead of a carefully worded, possibly amusing, note!

It’s now bath time, which will be followed by story time… I got home from my day out at exactly the same time as the SP got home from daycare, so they weren’t annoyed at no Auntie in her chair.  They had a lovely afternoon climbing on me and giving me directions on where to sit and what to drink and (pretend) eat.  So I’m enjoying a few quiet moments before I have to read a story for several times, followed by, “Can you read it?” As a delaying tactic before bed 😆 Good night!


  1. Family sweét memories in the making God bless you all.


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