
Showing posts from February, 2023


🎼Snow, snow, snow! 🎶 Cue Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney… It snowed all day today, relentlessly, although the temperature is milder than it was. Apparently we’ve exceeded 300cm of snow this winter, which is still below average… Jerry had several complaints about getting his fur wet; he doesn’t approve of being wet and he barked at the snow for wetting him.  I had a disgracefully lazy day today, in which I read, watched a couple of PVR shows, talked to some people on the phone and generally was throughly useless.  I’ve got a long list of chores to get to, but today wasn’t their day!  Don was up past 3am this morning, so he fell asleep around noon for a couple of hours.  We had considered doing some errands, depending on the snow, but finally opted for a lazy day — which is good, as the police reported over 400 collisions today!  I’ll try to be more useful tomorrow, but no promises, sorry.  It seems that my body wanted a pause, and my back, thank God, has ...


Another cold and windy day, with a snow storm forecast for later today… it’s expected to be very messy, so I’m thankful that I don’t have any appointments tomorrow, as it’s supposed to be particularly bad by the morning.  Jerry has been sniffing suspiciously at the snow today, and growling, which is what happens when it’s windy as he’s uncomfortable with the noises and seeing things flying.  If it happens at night, he tries to burrow under me, while shivering.  Don’s pretty good today; we had to be up early as my nurse made a visit before 9am, so he took a nap this afternoon, and I was deep in a book… I’ve got to get back to my crochet and do some work on that so it doesn’t hang around for a long time; at the moment, it’s in serious danger as I have only sporadically worked on it.  I’m seriously considering that I’m overly ambitious, but why not? When I was a teen, I remember several sermons at church and lectures by some of the catechists (RE teachers) who complaine...


I woke up to a white world; it snowed a bit this morning, but it stopped mid morning and continues to be cold.  The forecast apparently calls for the cold snap to break soon, but it’s still winter and there is a tradition of at least one big storm in March, usually in the first week, so we’ll see.  I was woken up this morning at 3:30 by someone who called from the front door — I didn’t answer, but it did interfere with my sleep — then my support worker showed up before 9:00, so my sleep was very fractured.  I haven’t been able to sleep during the day today, and just now I feel wrung out.  My back persists in not behaving, but I’m also not taxing it, so hopefully… hopefully!  Jerry, little darling, arranged himself along my tummy this morning, stretched out on his back and looked so comfortable that I felt guilty about getting him up when the worker arrived.  Don was also woken up by the phone and the worker, but he fell asleep while I was watching the Mass,...

Winter chill

It’s cold!  The temperature took a nosedive along with high winds and some snow.  I’m not entirely sure if there’s a link between the cold and the pain in my back, which annoyingly persists.  Anyway, today I joined two old friends for lunch — we haven’t met in person since the start of the pandemic, but before that we’d met regularly for sushi or shawarma.  During the pandemic we managed a couple of virtual meals; planning dates is always challenging.  It was great to see them and do a quick catch up while the snow came down.  I had a quarter of a quesadilla, and then was full, so the rest came home with me.  Jerry objected to being left at home with Don today, and complained at me when I got home about an hour and a half later.  Don didn’t notice that I was gone; he was watching a hockey game when I left, and another when I got home, and is glued to a third now!  I’ve had to increase my pain meds a little, as my back is scaring me.  I’v...


The snow arrived last night, as promised.  I’d woken up twice during the night and looked out the window at a white night.  This morning, the wind was howling and I watched flags whipping wildly.  It didn’t seem to be as bad as forecast, but I know that I’m biased because I live on the 20th floor, and snow doesn’t pile up to my window, nor do I need to shovel, so I never know what conditions are outdoors.  Jerry has been most unimpressed with the cold and wind, doing his little “Nope!” Don was grousing about a draught somewhere in the house, which I can also feel but can’t track down.  It’s led to wrapping up warmly in blankets, sweaters and cozy socks!  My back continues to confuse me, as I’m getting twinges and stabs and I cannot account for a cause.  I know that I can adjust my pain medication, but I’d prefer not to as I rather enjoy being alert.  I will, if it continues, but still…  Thanks everyone who sent me their Lenten meditations; it...


It’s got cold again, and we’re expecting snow and ice overnight.  Every so often we get these little reminders that it’s still “in the deep midwinter” and therefore cold is to be expected.  For reasons that are not clear, I’ve been in pain for most of the day, and we discovered that I have a bruise on my back for which I cannot account.  I don’t remember bumping into anything, which would cause a bruise, and I don’t sleep walk, which was the only other explanation offered.  Jerry is happy, since my support worker was here today, and he got to greet her — it was too funny; he leapt off my lap and raced to meet her so fast that he turned a somersault and skidded to her feet in a tangle of legs.  Don was pretty good today, and had planned things which I had to spoil because of my pain.  I’m continuing to find things to eat, which remains a challenge.  Very annoying, especially since it’s been going on so long!  When I report to my medical team, they’...

Las Lap

Thanks to the people who sent me photos of the revelry on the streets of Port of Spain today and yesterday.  I’m still not moved to buy a costume and play, but it’s certainly fun to see some of the looks and the unleashed creativity.  I’ll just comment that it’s unnecessary to circulate false rumours of the death of masmen, so let’s not, ok?  I am still catching up on sleep; I’m really unsure what’s the cause, but I have fallen asleep and not woken up for a long while.  I imagine that my body is trying to convey a message, but I honestly can’t say that I’m straining myself or that I’m exerting myself enough to need  a rest.  The little monster has been complaining that I’m daring to talk on the phone or to eat or drink, and is working hard to get and hold my attention.  Don is fine; he had a small tummy issue for a day or so, but it’s resolved.  I’m trying to decide what I want to eat, and trying to get enough energy to do some necessary cooking s...


I seem to have lost a day somewhere… I was doing some things on the weekend that led to a minor setback with pain and exhaustion and it’s a day later than I expected.  I slept all afternoon today, and only recently woke up because I hadn’t eaten and I felt a little weak.  Somewhat frustrating, but there you are… stuff happens.  Jerry was not pleased with me, since I locked him out of the bedroom today while I slept; he is of the opinion that I can’t sleep without a small dog on my tummy or tucked under my arm or curled behind my legs.  Don was surprised that I was so wiped, but kept Jerry quiet so I could rest.    He’s planning some mischief, and I know enough to not ask too many questions!  Jerry has just stolen the blanket off Don’s lap, and is looking very proud of himself, eyeing everyone from his little heap! It’s Carnival at home now; the first since the pandemic with no restrictions.  I’ve never been enthusiastic about the crowds and the no...


Today started off really chilly (-21C) but it’s warmed up to freezing.  I found it hard to wake up this morning, so I stayed in bed until after 10am, with a small dog curled up on my tummy until I finally crawled out of bed.  He’s now at the side of my chair nagging me to pet him with one hand. And getting upset when I try to type.  Don is fine, watching his usual Saturday night sports; his team played last night, but there’s a game on, so he’s “watching” 😝 My friend Paul has spent years  teasing me about being behind the times because I only recently got a PVR and I have just the TV in the living room.  He says that there must be something strange with me that I don’t have at least 2 TVs; worse, that I am content to read or crochet instead of being glued to shows.  I’ve never been able to binge watch any series; I can manage 2 episodes of any show, then I need to stop and do something different.  Then I said to him that I’m really loving the PVR and ...


Despite the flurry of TV anchors squealing enthusiastically about “Spring is here early!” Winter is not quite half over yet, and temperatures (snow and ice) all fell overnight into today, and it’s supposed to be more typical next week.  I’m not a winter sports person, so I’m unfazed by the thaw (which always happens at this time of year) and I’m not bemoaning the lack of skating on the Canal — especially since the City persists in not clearing sidewalks to a safe level of snow and ice, although the bike lanes are bone dry (and unused.)  Sorry, annual annoyance.  Jerry is in a playful mood tonight, in part because he misses my support worker and he wants his playmate.  Don is fine, and gearing up to watch more sports tonight so Jerry will start to play up at puck drop.  He seems to know when Don is watching a game and will start to play.  When I’m reading, he likes to crawl into my lap and position himself to push my book / iPad away or else hold it too clos...


I’m feeling a little blue today, there’s no real reason, except that I do.  I’m a little irritated by my home care company, which hasn’t provided me with a worker for a week, and failed to notify me that they weren’t able to do that for several of the days.  I’d like  to complain and gripe, but there’s no outlet.  I’ve been able, as I mentioned, to eat some solids, but I’m frustrated that I’m still not able to eat anything resembling a portion for a toddler.  So — no real reason, I’m just a bit cranky and down and I don’t want to see people or talk to anyone.  Even the boys have picked up on this and are staying quiet — well, Jerry is testing my boundaries by getting into mischief and otherwise checking that I’m paying attention to him at all times.  I’ll work through it, I know, but today is one of those that I’d like a do-over. Because I’m in this odd mood, watching the news has me reacting unsympathetically to some stories that are being published t...


Happy Valentine’s Day, my dears.  I hope that you’re surrounded by family, friends, fur babies — basically, that there’s love in your life.  The tiny monster is contentedly chewing on his dog toy, and had a great time out today.  It was a sunny, warm day — it was 5C on average, and some brilliant sun.  We had an appointment at the hospital today, and it was so spring-like!  You know that spring is coming when the sun is still up at 4:30pm!  It doesn’t get dark until almost 6pm now, which is much nicer than the darkness that prevails at the start of winter.  Don says that his head cold is improving, so that’s also good.   I’m horrified at the prices of food these days.  I stopped in at the supermarket for a moment this afternoon, and I intended to get some fruit.  But apples, which are normally $3.99/4 lbs were $12.99!!  I know that prices have been doing some high jumps in the past few months, but this was extreme!  Butter was ...


According to the news this afternoon, this is the third-warmest winter on record; despite the bitter cold in the last few weeks, we have had fewer “real winter” days, where the temperature was below -6C than usual.  The canal never opened, and Winterlude ends this weekend, so it’s record breaking that’s happened.  Part of me is glad that it wasn’t too cold, but at the same time, a warm winter, with little snow, tends to lead to drought in the summer, and a higher risk of wildfires.  Jerry has a new habit where he has to be touching someone almost all the time.  He normally sleeps touching one of us, but during the day he has a level of independence.  In the last few days, he needs lots of physical contact.  Don is dealing with a head cold and a stuffy nose (it seems that my family has a cold making the rounds, and I’d appreciate it if they kept it away from me!  My sister and her family and my elder niece are all sick…)  He’s also very happy with ...


 For those of us in North America, there’s a sports event on tonight.  It’s a bizarre ritual, where grown men chase an oval item along a field… they carry it in their hands, but it’s somehow called “football.”  As far as I can make out, one team runs with the “ball” for a bit, then the other team, then they stop for a beer commercial.  Don is busy watching, and Jerry has been relegated to a spot on the floor — incidentally by my feet — where he’s sulking at not being allowed up to play.  He was tossing his toy around until the game started and Don ignored him, and he came over to complain.  I found energy today and cooked some minced chicken, with the intention of making spaghetti sauce or something similar.  I ate some of it, and am negotiating a peace treaty with my stomach, which seems to think that solid food is a declaration of war.  I’m glad I did; I was hungry, but apparently it was a little more than I could easily handle.  That’s sup...


The weather is improving, in that it’s slightly warmer than it was, so that I was able to open the doors and windows for a while today.  It’s chilly, but great with a sweater and blanket 😀. Jerry is in one of his moods today; he started off by crawling under the bed and hiding there for about an hour, then pushed my iPad and my crochet off my lap because he wanted to cuddle, and he’s on high alert for any sounds in the hall.  Don was “busy” today, with about 6 hockey games this afternoon, plus more sports scheduled for tomorrow.  I’ve got other activities in mind, so I can avoid the sports talk.  He’s complaining that nobody wants to argue with him on sports (I just nod and grunt; his son has the same opinion as he does) so he’s not having fun.  Apparently debating team performance is an important part of the game.  Today I made 2 slices of French toast, and ate them over 2 meals.  I’m happy that I feel hungry, although I still can’t eat much.  I...


Another wintry day, with ice, rain, snow and assorted icky weather, producing some slick roads and unsafe driving conditions.  It is winter in Canada, so I expect messy weather… I’m ready to start planning trips, so stand by for details as they arise!  Jerry is again hyperactive, trying to keep my attention any time Don is out of the room. He’s been on my lap when I was on the phone, then he was stealing my crochet wool to get me off a video call.  He’s decided that phone calls and my nurses are unacceptable interruptions in his household management.  Don seems to have picked up my unhappy tummy, but it is improving.  I had a half of a chicken sandwich today, with the other half on hold for when next I’m hungry.  It feels good to be hungry again, and to be able to eat.  I’m starting to crave spice again, which I will be gradually introducing back into my food.  I’ll keep you updated on progress.  I weighed myself today, and the weight loss co...


The weather today started with fog, it warmed up to freezing, and then ice rain started.  I’m told that the roads and pavements are coated in ice.  Of all forms of weather, I hate  ice rain / freezing rain.  It looks pretty, with crystalline casing on branches that glitters when the sun hits it, and it looks like a fairytale winter scene, but it’s so treacherous and unsafe and I’m extending my “stay at home” time.  Jerry managed to find one of his old toys, and is playing with it, shaking it, throwing it up in the air and catching it.  It’s so fun to watch as he’s pouncing on it, then bringing it to one of us and playing tug o’war.  Don’s doing well, and laughing at the tiny dictator.  I’ve been warned that Sunday is “an important sports game” (or something) so I’m on my own for entertainment. Speaking of entertainment, Netflix — WDA is your story?  If I pay for 4 screens, then I think that I’m entitled  to use 4 screens any way I want! ...


One spoiled puppy being all snuggly!  He’s being very affectionate, more so because my support worker was here, and he was super  excited to see her.  She’s the only worker / nurse / caregiver that I’ll allow Jerry to play with, as generally I’m supposed to have him “contained away from the worker” when they’re on site.  He was wriggling and barking and playing with her until she picked him up, then he washed her face… when I went to take him back, he gave me a dirty look and snuggled up to her.  Silly puppy!  Don’s doing well, and a bit more energetic than usual, so I’m good.  I’m almost back to eating regularly; I had a cup of tea this morning (not a good idea, but I really wanted one) and I had a scrambled egg and a small scone tonight, with some soup this afternoon and a bottle of Ensure.  Lots of intake, 😀!  The small dictator is leaping around with his heavy chew toy at the moment, and I’m trying to protect my toes from it… he likes to...